Golang advanced practical programming
This course is recorded based on the "Go Language Basics Video" and is the second half of the Go language basics. Including package management, IO operations, the biggest highlights of Go language: high concurrency, goroutine, channel, reflection, etc. This video is mainly to help beginners of the Go language get started quickly from scratch. After completing this course, you can learn how to manage Go projects through packages, concurrency models, and concurrency implementations, how channels transmit data, reflection, etc.
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21820 person learning
34class hour
07 hours 01 minutes 06 secondsTotal course duration
Gold lecturer
A total of 180 courses Student180311 Lecturer rating5.6
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This course is recorded based on the "Go Language Basics Video" and is the second half of the Go language basics. Including package management, IO operations, the biggest highlights of Go language: high concurrency, goroutine, channel, reflection, etc. This video is mainly to help beginners of the Go language get started quickly from scratch. After completing this course, you can learn how to manage Go projects through packages, concurrency models, and concurrency implementations, how channels transmit data, reflection, etc.
Golang advanced practical programming
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07 hours 01 minutes 06 seconds Watch videos anytime
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