PHP+MySQL website programming introductory course (Cantonese/Cantonese) Liang Haoxian
PHP is a very commonly used back-end programming language and is very friendly to novices who are new to programming. PHP allows you to create great web functionality with very simple code. In this free PHP7 teaching course, you will learn the basic knowledge of PHP7 programming language, connect the MySQL database to create some simple website programs, and also learn how to use professional website development tools, so that you can have Ability to DIY your own website works. This course is free and is taught in Cantonese. I hope you can benefit from this course, gain a foundation in website development, and enjoy the fun of building your own website.
26069 person learning
34class hour
04 hours 40 minutes 57 secondsTotal course duration
Gold lecturer
A total of 180 courses Student180313 Lecturer rating5.9
You will learn:
1. Basics of getting started with PHP+MySQL 2. Small case practice 3. Cantonese/Cantonese teaching
PHP+MySQL website programming introductory course (Cantonese/Cantonese) Liang Haoxian
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04 hours 40 minutes 57 seconds Watch videos anytime
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