Laravel 8 course in depth (Taiwan compatriots version)
Laravel is a Web open source framework based on the PHP language developed by Taylor Otwell, which adopts the MVC architectural pattern. This course introduces the basic concepts and usage of the Laravel framework in windows and macOS, and briefly analyzes Laravel's design patterns and part of the source code.
18391 person learning
22class hour
04 hours 57 minutes 28 secondsTotal course duration
Gold lecturer
A total of 180 courses Student180313 Lecturer rating5.5
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Laravel is a Web open source framework based on the PHP language developed by Taylor Otwell, which adopts the MVC architectural pattern. This course introduces the basic concepts and usage of the Laravel framework in windows and macOS, and briefly analyzes Laravel's design patterns and part of the source code.
Laravel 8 course in depth (Taiwan compatriots version)
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04 hours 57 minutes 28 seconds Watch videos anytime
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