PHP8, what are your ambitions...! ?
2023-3-7 evening 20:00-22:00 video number + simultaneous live broadcast on this site! Topic: 1. Why is PHP the preferred language for entrepreneurial teams? 2. What exactly has PHP done to make it the public enemy of the industry? 3. From PHP8, we can see clearly what PHP’s ambitions are. 4. How to use PHP to quickly develop web projects?
5116 person learning
4class hour
01 hours 53 minutes 08 secondsTotal course duration
Gold lecturer
A total of 51 courses Student5297 Lecturer rating5.9
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2023-3-7 evening 20:00-22:00 video number + simultaneous live broadcast on this site! Topic: 1. Why is PHP the preferred language for entrepreneurial teams? 2. What exactly has PHP done to make it the public enemy of the industry? 3. From PHP8, we can see clearly what PHP’s ambitions are. 4. How to use PHP to quickly develop web projects?
PHP8, what are your ambitions...! ?
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01 hours 53 minutes 08 seconds Watch videos anytime
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