Django DRF source code analysis
Django DRF source code analysis includes: 1 Front-end and back-end separation mode 2 restful interface specification 3 Simple applications of CBV 4 Object-oriented and reflection supplement 5 CBV source code analysis 6 CBV source code analysis 2 7 APIView source code analysis 8 Serialization and deserialization of DRF 9 Supplementary information on the use of serializers 10 Serializer save operation 11 Interface implementation based on APIView 12 save method completes updating data 13 ModelSerializer 14GenericAPIView 15GenericAPIView(2) 16 min mixed class 17 Re-encapsulation of Minin mixed classes 18ViewSet 19 ModelViewSet 20 routing components
drf source code
11140 person learning
21class hour
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Gold lecturer
A total of 180 courses Student180313 Lecturer rating5.3
You will learn:
1 Front-end and back-end separation mode 2 restful interface specification 3 Simple applications of CBV 4 Object-oriented and reflection supplement 5 CBV source code analysis 6 CBV source code analysis 2 7 APIView source code analysis 8 Serialization and deserialization of DRF 9 Supplementary information on the use of serializers 10 Serializer save operation 11 Interface implementation based on APIView 12 save method completes updating data 13 ModelSerializer 14GenericAPIView 15GenericAPIView(2) 16 min mixed class 17 Re-encapsulation of Minin mixed classes 18ViewSet 19 ModelViewSet 20 routing components
Django DRF source code analysis
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