【Midjourney】From beginner to proficient
"The most understandable" + "the rhythm is not laggy" + "the clearest video demonstration" on the entire network. When you learn Midjourney, you can create two-dimensional, urban architecture, NFT, science fiction scenes, and CG characters on your own. And so on (covering almost the entire industry), the decentralization of technology has given everyone the ability to create "their own Marvel universe." Create your own story, build your own business project.
13658 person learning
17class hour
52 minutes 16 secondsTotal course duration
Gold lecturer
A total of 180 courses Student180313 Lecturer rating5.2
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When you learn Midjourney, you can create two-dimensional, urban architecture, NFT, science fiction scenes, CG characters, etc. on your own (covering almost all industries). The decentralization of technology allows everyone to create "their own Marvel Universe" abilities. Create your own story, build your own business project.
【Midjourney】From beginner to proficient
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52 minutes 16 seconds Watch videos anytime
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