Mr Bridge
Gold lecturer
A total of 0 courses Student0 Lecturer rating5.0
You will learn:
1. Project Introduction
2. Installation of VSCode development environment
3. HTTP protocol and first demo
4. Basic knowledge - variable types and functions.
5. News Creation
6. MYSql installation and client tools
7. Use of GORM
8. Load the template file
9. Load configuration file
10. MVC development model
11. Logging tool - logrus
12. News list and paging
13. News CRUD
14. Load static resource files
15. Rich text editor ueditor
(1) Loading of ueditor rich text editing
(2) Upload file interface
(3) Upload file directory planning and same name processing
16. HTTP access log
17. Administrator module
(1) Administrator CRUD
(2) Administrator login
(3) Use cookies to stay logged in
(4) Layout files
(5) Permission allocation
18. Page beautification
(1) Left menu
(2) Form submission page
(3) Data list page
(4) Front page
19. Online Linux server environment construction
(1) Local compilation and uploading
(2) MySQL installation and deployment
(3) Online testing
20. Usage of example code
Go language zero-based development of content management system
Chapter1 Project introduction and preparation, http protocoltry and seeretractduration: 12 minutes 26 secondsduration: 03 minutes 20 secondsduration: 07 minutes 37 secondsduration: 11 minutes 06 seconds
Chapter2 Basic knowledge and news creationtry and seeexpand
Chapter3 MySQL installation and client toolsexpand
Chapter4 Use of GORMexpand
Chapter5 Load template fileexpand
Chapter6 Loading configuration files and MVC development modeexpand
Chapter7 logrus, news list and paging, CURDexpand
Chapter8 Load static resource filesexpand
Chapter9 rich text editor ueditorexpand
Chapter10 HTTP access logexpand
Chapter11 Administrator moduleexpand
Chapter12 Page beautificationexpand
Chapter13 Online Linux server environment setupexpand
Chapter14 Example code usageexpand