PHP watermark and thumbnail latest video tutorial
This course will lead you to cleverly implement image watermark and thumbnail functions through the GD library in PHP. You can easily master the implementation ideas of the case. At the same time, the course also explains how to encapsulate this process into classes, which can further deepen your understanding of object-oriented understanding.
php watermark
php thumbnail
Practical video
Video tutorial
16339 person learning
10class hour
01 hours 07 minutes 03 secondsTotal course duration
Gold lecturer
A total of 114 courses Student51793 Lecturer rating5.7
You will learn:
Studying the "Latest Video Tutorial on PHP Watermarks and Thumbnails" can deepen your understanding of the GD library, use the GD library to add text and image watermarks to images, use the GD library to compress images, and create your own tool class.
PHP watermark and thumbnail latest video tutorial
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01 hours 07 minutes 03 seconds Watch videos anytime
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