Learn javascript video tutorial in 8 days
"Video Tutorial on Learning JavaScript in 8 Days" is a course to help you learn the JavaScript programming language systematically. This course introduces the language features of JavaScript from shallow to deep, analyzes common misunderstandings with practical examples, inspires your thinking, and helps learners get started. to master and improve your JavaScript skills.
360970 person learning
98class hour
01 days 02 hours 16 minutes 54 secondsTotal course duration
Gold lecturer
A total of 54 courses Student39541 Lecturer rating5.4
You will learn:
Studying this site's "Video Tutorial on Learning JavaScript in 8 Days" will provide an in-depth analysis of the following knowledge content based on examples: 1. Data types, expressions, operators, and statements; 2. Objects, arrays, variables, and functions; 3. this, closure Packages and scope; 4. OOP; 5. Regular and pattern matching.
Learn javascript video tutorial in 8 days
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01 days 02 hours 16 minutes 54 seconds Watch videos anytime
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