Geek Academy Android Development Video Tutorial
Android is an open source, Linux-based mobile device operating system, mainly used in mobile devices, such as smartphones and tablets. Android is developed by the Open Handset Alliance, led by Google and other companies. "Geek Academy Android Development Video Tutorial" will take you to learn from the basics of Java, then start basic Android programming, and learn some advanced concepts related to Android application development.
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345class hour
01 days 21 hours 01 minutes 10 secondsTotal course duration
Gold lecturer
A total of 67 courses Student67562 Lecturer rating5.4
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Android development is based on the Java programming language. "Geek Academy Android Development Video Tutorial" will help you understand the basic knowledge of Java, and gradually master Android programming knowledge and applications from elementary to intermediate to advanced, so that friends can carry out basic Android development.
Geek Academy Android Development Video Tutorial
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01 days 21 hours 01 minutes 10 seconds Watch videos anytime
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