Commonly used libraries for front-end development—jQuery UI tutorial
In "Commonly used libraries for front-end development—jQuery UI", jQuery UI is a set of user interface interactions, special effects, widgets and themes built on the jQuery JavaScript library. Whether you're creating a highly interactive web application or just adding a date picker to a form control, jQuery UI is a perfect choice. jQuery UI contains many widgets that maintain state, so it is slightly different from the typical jQuery plug-in usage pattern.
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31097 person learning
16class hour
01 hours 05 minutes 20 secondsTotal course duration
Gold lecturer
A total of 114 courses Student51793 Lecturer rating5.0
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"Commonly used libraries for front-end development—jQuery UI" will teach you how to learn jQuery UI knowledge from basic to advanced
Commonly used libraries for front-end development—jQuery UI tutorial
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01 hours 05 minutes 20 seconds Watch videos anytime
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