Geek Academy Node.js development video tutorial
The launch of Node.js not only automates more trivial and time-consuming work from an engineering perspective, but also breaks the language boundaries between front-end and back-end, allowing JavaScript to run smoothly on the server side. This series of courses is designed to guide front-end development engineers, as well as Node.js beginners step into this lively and dynamic new world.
Geek Academy
226780 person learning
65class hour
13 hours 43 minutes 04 secondsTotal course duration
Gold lecturer
A total of 114 courses Student51793 Lecturer rating5.1
You will learn:
Start with the basic knowledge of Node.js, such as installation, environment configuration, development environment, etc., become more familiar with the Node.js API, some HTTP knowledge, and become more familiar with the concept and use of modules, so as to advance to the development of modules or plug-ins, and finally Specific needs can be quickly realized with the help of Node.js.
Geek Academy Node.js development video tutorial
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13 hours 43 minutes 04 seconds Watch videos anytime
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