Geek Academy Git usage video tutorial
Git is a free and open source distributed version control system for agile and efficient work on projects of any size. More and more projects are migrating to Git for management, including many open source projects hosted on GitHub, making Git the most popular version control system today, and therefore Git has become an indispensable skill. "Geek Academy Git Usage Video Tutorial" will introduce you to the local and remote operations of Git, hoping to lead you to easily master Git operations.
Geek Academy
47219 person learning
14class hour
02 hours 51 minutes 25 secondsTotal course duration
Gold lecturer
A total of 64 courses Student90335 Lecturer rating5.1
You will learn:
Through "Geek Academy Git Usage Video Tutorial" you can learn the following: 1.Git local operation 2.Git remote operation 3. Deeply understand Git remote operations
Geek Academy Git usage video tutorial
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02 hours 51 minutes 25 seconds Watch videos anytime
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