Boolean Education HTTP Protocol Video Tutorial
HTTP protocol (HyperText Transfer Protocol, Hypertext Transfer Protocol) is a transfer protocol used to transfer hypertext from the WWW server to the local browser. It can make the browser more efficient and reduce network transmission. It not only ensures that the computer transmits hypertext documents correctly and quickly, but also determines which part of the document is transmitted and which part of the content is displayed first (such as text before graphics), etc. We have collected the "Boolean Educational HTTP Protocol Video Tutorial", hoping to help everyone better understand the HTTP protocol.
http protocol
boolean education
38419 person learning
10class hour
01 hours 53 minutes 23 secondsTotal course duration
Gold lecturer
A total of 64 courses Student90335 Lecturer rating5.4
You will learn:
Through the "Boolean Education HTTP Protocol Video Tutorial", you will be able to learn the following: 1.Detailed explanation of http protocol 2. Several common request methods 3. File upload 4.Detailed introduction to cookies, etc.
Boolean Education HTTP Protocol Video Tutorial
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01 hours 53 minutes 23 seconds Watch videos anytime
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