JAVA Beginner's Video Tutorial
Welcome to our "JAVA Basic Introductory Video Tutorial" Java language has become the mainstream development language in the current software development industry. This course will lead you to learn our JAVA in a simple and in-depth way and lead you into the wonderful world of JAVA
2677343 person learning
753class hour
04 days 05 hours 22 minutes 25 secondsTotal course duration
Gold lecturer
A total of 54 courses Student39541 Lecturer rating5.5
You will learn:
"JAVA Beginner's Video Tutorial" will lead you to learn: 1. Be able to configure the Java development environment and use tools for program development 2. Master the use of basic syntax in Java 3. Master Java basic syntax and programming ideas 4. Proficient in using object-oriented programming ideas Then learn about exception handling, collection framework, strings, common classes, etc. in Java, and gradually learn to master advanced Java technologies.
JAVA Beginner's Video Tutorial
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04 days 05 hours 22 minutes 25 seconds Watch videos anytime
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