Geek Academy Docker video tutorial
Docker is an advanced container engine based on LXC open sourced by PaaS provider dotCloud. The source code is hosted on Github. It is open source based on the go language and complies with the Apache2.0 protocol. Docker has been very popular since 2013. Whether it is the code activity on github or the support of major manufacturers, Docker has become the most popular technology nowadays. Even Microsoft claims to integrate Docker in the next generation of Windows Server. support. Therefore, we have collected the "Geek Academy Docker Video Tutorial", hoping to help everyone learn Docker better.
Geek Academy
174840 person learning
33class hour
04 hours 14 minutes 24 secondsTotal course duration
Gold lecturer
A total of 64 courses Student90335 Lecturer rating5.3
You will learn:
Through the "Geek Academy Docker Video Tutorial", you will be able to learn the following: 1.Docker basic concepts and framework 2.Docker installation and deployment 3.Docker container 4.Docker image and warehouse 5.Docker client and daemon 6. Network connection of Docker container 7. Data management of Docker containers 8. Cross-host access of Docker containers
Geek Academy Docker video tutorial
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04 hours 14 minutes 24 seconds Watch videos anytime
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