Yan Shiba mongodb video tutorial
MongoDB is written in C++ language and is an open source database system based on distributed file storage. Under high load conditions, adding more nodes can ensure server performance. MongoDB aims to provide scalable, high-performance data storage solutions for WEB applications. "Yan Shiba MongoDB Video Tutorial" will teach you how to use this distributed file storage database.
39678 person learning
15class hour
08 hours 59 minutes 06 secondsTotal course duration
Gold lecturer
A total of 67 courses Student67562 Lecturer rating5.7
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By studying "Yan Shiba MongoDB Video Tutorial" we will understand the characteristics of mongoDB, master the basic operations of mongoDB, understand the use of mongoDB in the business layer, and learn to use mongoDB for application development.
Yan Shiba mongodb video tutorial
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08 hours 59 minutes 06 seconds Watch videos anytime
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