Chuanzhi and Heima WeChat public platform development video tutorials
WeChat public platform is a new service platform that provides business services and user management capabilities to individuals, enterprises and organizations. The WeChat public platform mainly includes real-time communication, message sending and material management. Users can group and manage fans of public accounts and communicate in real time. They can also use advanced functions - editing mode and development mode to automatically reply to user information. "Chuanzhi and Dark Horse WeChat Public Platform Development Video Tutorial" is a WeChat public platform development video tutorial jointly produced by Chuanzhi Podcast and Dark Horse Programmers.
61598 person learning
25class hour
05 hours 49 minutes 33 secondsTotal course duration
Gold lecturer
A total of 67 courses Student67562 Lecturer rating5.1
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"Chuanzhi and Dark Horse WeChat Public Platform Development Video Tutorial" will let you know how to create a WeChat public platform.
Chuanzhi and Heima WeChat public platform development video tutorials
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05 hours 49 minutes 33 seconds Watch videos anytime
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