HTML5 full manual

Read(64869) update time(2022-04-12)

"HTML5 latest version reference manual" is the official HTML5 online reference learning manual. This H5 online development manual contains various HTML5 tag attributes, syntax, definitions, usage methods, example operations, etc. It is indispensable for web front-end learners and developers. The missing online query manual document! In this manual tutorial, you will learn what HTML5 is, what HTML5 is used for, how to use HTML5, etc.!

HTML5 is the latest revised version of HTML. The standard was completed by the World Wide Web Consortium in October 2014. The goal is to replace the HTML 4.01 and XHTML 1.0 standards formulated in 1999, so that the network standards can match contemporary network needs when Internet applications are developing rapidly.

HTML5 is the specification of the core language HTML in the Web. The content that users see when browsing the web using any means is originally in HTML format. It is converted into a recognizable format through some technical processing in the browser. Information.

Tips: When referring to HTML5 in a broad sense, it actually refers to HTML, CSS and JavaScript## A set of technology combinations including #.

HTML5 brings the Web into a mature application platform where video, audio, images, animations, and interactions with devices are standardized.

Let’s create the first HTML5 document and see how it works!

First HTML5 document



<video width="320" height="240" controls="controls">
  <source src="movie.ogg" type="video/ogg">
  <source src="movie.mp4" type="video/mp4">
Your browser does not support the video tag.


Run instance»Click "Run instance" " button to view online examples

HTML5 can reduce the need for web browsers to provide plug-in-based rich Internet application services (Plug-in-Based Rich Internet Application, RIA), such as Adobe Flash, Microsoft Silverlight and Oracle JavaFX, and provide more effective Enhancing the set of standards for web applications.

Tips: Our HTML5 tutorial will help you gradually understand and learn the new features of HTML5. If you have any questions, please go to the PHP Chinese website HTML5 Community Ask your questions and enthusiastic netizens will answer them for you.

HTML5 new features

  • HTML5 adds many new syntax features, including <video>, <audio> and < canvas> element, which also integrates SVG content. These elements were added to make it easier to add and process multimedia and image content in web pages.

  • ##Other new elements such as <section>, <article>, <header> and <nav> are designed to enrich the data content of the document. New attributes are added for the same purpose.

  • At the same time, some attributes and elements have been removed. Some elements, like <a>, <cite>, and <menu> were modified, redefined, or standardized. At the same time, APIs and DOM have become fundamental parts of HTML5.

  • HTML5 also defines specific details for handling illegal documents, allowing all browsers and client programs to handle syntax errors consistently.

HTML5 Advantages and Disadvantages


  • The new generation of network standards enables programs to pass through web browsers. Consumers will then be able to access the same programs and cloud-based information from any terminal, including PCs, laptops, smartphones or tablets.

  • HTML5 will allow programs to run through a Web browser and include multimedia content such as videos that currently require plug-ins and other platforms. This will make the browser a universal Platform, users can complete tasks through the browser.

  • In addition, consumers can access a variety of content remotely stored in the "cloud" regardless of location and device.


  • Trouble caused by openness

  • The speed of development needs to be improved

  • Imperfect technical means

Because there is a relatively advanced local storage technology in HTML5 technology, it can reduce the response time of the application. To provide users with a more convenient experience.

Content covered by this HTML5 tutorial manual

This HTML5 tutorial manual covers all new HTML5 features, including various HTML5 tag attributes, syntax, definitions, usage methods, example runs, etc.

Tips: Each chapter of this tutorial contains many HTML5 examples. You can directly click the "Run Example" button to view the results online. These examples will help you better understand and use the new features in HTML5.

Other HTML-related learning reference resources

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