Band of Brothers ThinkPHP3.1 basic video tutorial
ThinkPHP was born to simplify enterprise-level application development and agile WEB application development. It was first born in early 2006, and was officially renamed ThinkPHP on New Year's Day 2007, and was released under the Apache2 open source agreement. ThinkPHP has been adhering to the simple and practical design principle since its birth. While maintaining excellent performance and minimal code, it also focuses on ease of use. And it has many original functions and features. With the active participation of the community team, it is continuously optimized and improved in terms of ease of use, scalability and performance.
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20 hours 27 minutes 31 secondsTotal course duration
Gold lecturer
A total of 46 courses Student37863 Lecturer rating5.9
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Study the "Brothers ThinkPHP3.1 Basic Video Tutorial" course to let you know what the MVC development model is and understand the convenience of the framework.
Band of Brothers ThinkPHP3.1 basic video tutorial
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20 hours 27 minutes 31 seconds Watch videos anytime
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