Li Yanhui PHP video tutorial season 1
php is one of the most popular languages ​​currently. As a master figure in the PHP training industry, Li Yanhui's course explanations are clear and comprehensive. His PHP tutorial video is a classic and widely circulated on the Internet. This course is his first season video, about the basic knowledge of php.
Li Yanhui
Video tutorial
477762 person learning
136class hour
02 days 04 hours 07 minutes 31 secondsTotal course duration
Gold lecturer
A total of 121 courses Student116426 Lecturer rating5.6
You will learn:
"Li Yanhui PHP Video Tutorial Season 1" will lead everyone to understand PHP, basic knowledge (php syntax, variables, operators, loop statements, some commonly used functions), and explain through examples to let everyone understand what these functions are.
Li Yanhui PHP video tutorial season 1
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02 days 04 hours 07 minutes 31 seconds Watch videos anytime
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