Power Academy object-oriented PHP video tutorial
"Power Academy Object-Oriented PHP Video Tutorial" explains the basic concepts of object-oriented and related case practices, so that students can have a basic understanding of object-oriented and be able to master the method of abstracting practical problems into class objects to solve practical problems. Methods, master the most important core capabilities of object-oriented.
27411 person learning
16class hour
04 hours 19 minutes 10 secondsTotal course duration
Gold lecturer
A total of 121 courses Student116426 Lecturer rating5.4
You will learn:
After studying "Power Academy Object-Oriented PHP Video Tutorial" you will learn: 1. Basic concepts of object-oriented 2. Basic ideas of object-oriented 3. Basic principles of object-oriented 4. Concept of classes and PHP practice 5. Concept of inheritance and case practice 6. Interface concept and case practice 7. Polymorphic concepts and case practices 8. Basic practice of magic methods in PHP
Power Academy object-oriented PHP video tutorial
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04 hours 19 minutes 10 seconds Watch videos anytime
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