Han Shunping 2016 latest H5 basic video tutorial
"Han Shunping's 2016 Latest H5 Basics Video Tutorial" will explain different HTML to everyone. It is the latest version of html, called html5. In the future, you may have a lot of exposure to html5.
Han Shunping
39921 person learning
17class hour
05 hours 04 minutes 51 secondsTotal course duration
Gold lecturer
A total of 121 courses Student116426 Lecturer rating5.8
You will learn:
After studying "Han Shunping's 2016 Latest H5 Basic Video Tutorial", everyone will have a different understanding of html. You can learn more cool scripting languages ​​for web page production.
Han Shunping 2016 latest H5 basic video tutorial
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05 hours 04 minutes 51 seconds Watch videos anytime
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