Wanrzhuan Swift video tutorial
We hope that after watching this "Playing with Swift Video Tutorial", users will have an upper-intermediate understanding of the Swift language. This means that getting in touch with Cocoa Touch will be effortless at all, and you can understand and practice some advanced concepts such as closures, protocols, generics, and memory management. This set of tutorials must be more in-depth than the Swift Chinese tutorials commonly seen on the market, and have more demonstration examples.
Video tutorial
85909 person learning
44class hour
06 hours 36 minutes 37 secondsTotal course duration
Gold lecturer
A total of 54 courses Student39541 Lecturer rating5.0
You will learn:
"Swift Video Tutorial" explains the Swift language features in detail; fully masters the Swift language development methods; and partially uses the Swift language to call the Cocoa Touch API, laying a solid foundation for learning the new generation of ios development.
Wanrzhuan Swift video tutorial
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06 hours 36 minutes 37 seconds Watch videos anytime
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