Zhonggu Education Python video tutorial
"Zhonggu Education Python Video Tutorial" is an introductory tutorial for Python development. It will introduce the characteristics and scope of application of the Python language, Python's basic data types, conditional judgments and loops, functions, and Python's unique slice and list generation formulas. Hopefully this python tutorial will get you started quickly and write simple Python programs.
Video tutorial
83448 person learning
38class hour
09 hours 34 minutes 38 secondsTotal course duration
Gold lecturer
A total of 54 courses Student39541 Lecturer rating5.8
You will learn:
Through the study of "Zhonggu Education Python Video Tutorial", you will learn to build a basic Python development environment, write complete Python code based on functions, and become proficient in Python's basic data types and the operations of list and dict.
Zhonggu Education Python video tutorial
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09 hours 34 minutes 38 seconds Watch videos anytime
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