Shangguan shell video tutorial
Shell scripting skills will never go out of style: "Shangguan Shell Video Tutorial" lets you know that they can allow UNIX to fully realize its true potential. For uNIx users and system administrators, writing shell scripts is a must, which allows you to quickly control and customize the powerful functions of any UNIX system.
16849 person learning
8class hour
06 hours 36 minutes 19 secondsTotal course duration
Gold lecturer
A total of 121 courses Student116426 Lecturer rating5.1
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"Shangguan Shell Video Tutorial" explains the basic skills and subtle differences in operation of UNix programs. Not only will they show you how to build a great script, but they'll also teach you how to avoid the pitfalls that will make you fall short.
Shangguan shell video tutorial
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06 hours 36 minutes 19 seconds Watch videos anytime
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