PHP_CI rapid development of electronic mall project video tutorial
"PHP_CI Rapid Development of Electronic Mall Project Video Tutorial" mainly introduces ci, the full name of CodeIgniter, which is a small but powerful PHP framework. CI provides a rich set of standard libraries and simple interfaces and logical structures, based on oop and mvc. Its purpose is to enable developers to develop projects more quickly.
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20class hour
18 hours 35 minutes 24 secondsTotal course duration
Gold lecturer
A total of 59 courses Student85107 Lecturer rating5.4
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"PHP_CI Rapid Development Electronic Mall Project Video Tutorial" This set of video tutorials does not simply explain various knowledge points of ci, but adopts a project-driven approach to interpret ci. From simple mvc writing, the use of tool classes and auxiliary functions to ci execution process analysis, core class expansion, and flexible project structure planning, all are explained in detail. What's more important is that by developing e-malls, you can also learn database analysis and design, business logic analysis and processing, thereby accumulating project experience for yourself. While learning the CI framework, you can also accumulate project experience, killing two birds with one stone, wouldn't it be great!
PHP_CI rapid development of electronic mall project video tutorial
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18 hours 35 minutes 24 seconds Watch videos anytime
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