Shangxuetang ios primary video tutorial
"Shangxuetang iOS Elementary Video Tutorial" is Shangxuetang's complete set of video tutorials on Objective-C language from basic introduction to advanced proficiency. Objective-C is an essential language for iOS development. The course will give an in-depth and detailed introduction to the Objective-C language. , mainly explaining the basic syntax of Objective-C, object-oriented programming ideas, encapsulation (declaration and implementation of classes, getter and setter methods, properties), memory management, inheritance, polymorphism, classification, protocols, blocks, NSNumber, strings, arrays , dictionary, date, file management, copy, etc.
Shang Xuetang
Video tutorial
172969 person learning
77class hour
23 hours 27 minutes 01 secondsTotal course duration
Gold lecturer
A total of 67 courses Student67562 Lecturer rating5.4
You will learn:
Study "Shangxuetang iOS Elementary Video Tutorial" and start developing with a virtual machine. It allows you to learn and develop IOS without a Mac. Understand basic syntax, object-oriented programming ideas, encapsulation (declaration and implementation of classes, getter and setter methods, properties), memory management, inheritance, polymorphism, classification, protocols, blocks, NSNumber, strings, arrays, dictionaries, dates, Basic knowledge of file management, copying, etc.
Shangxuetang ios primary video tutorial
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23 hours 27 minutes 01 seconds Watch videos anytime
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