Chuanzhi Podcast 2017 xml video tutorial
"Chuanzhi Podcast 2017 XML Video Tutorial" is generally used for data storage and communication between various languages ​​and applications. The role of XML is to express the structural relationship between data. This structural relationship is very important. XML provides programmers with a more versatile and organized way to store, access, and modify data.
69684 person learning
33class hour
09 hours 32 minutes 20 secondsTotal course duration
Gold lecturer
A total of 54 courses Student39540 Lecturer rating5.9
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"Chuanzhi Podcast 2017 XML Video Tutorial" allows you to learn the differences and connections between XML and HTML and the detailed usage of XML.
Chuanzhi Podcast 2017 xml video tutorial
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09 hours 32 minutes 20 seconds Watch videos anytime
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