Band of Brothers Linux Network Basics Video Tutorial
Linux is a free-to-use and freely disseminated Unix-like operating system. It is a multi-user, multi-task, multi-thread and multi-CPU operating system based on POSIX and UNIX.
band of brothers
76604 person learning
30class hour
10 hours 56 minutes 57 secondsTotal course duration
Gold lecturer
A total of 114 courses Student51793 Lecturer rating5.2
You will learn:
From the shallower to the deeper, start from the origin of Linux, Linux architecture and the history of Linux formation, so that you can thoroughly understand the birth of Linux, become familiar with the related culture and core structure of Linux, and become familiar with the common commands and basic usage of Linux.
Band of Brothers Linux Network Basics Video Tutorial
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10 hours 56 minutes 57 seconds Watch videos anytime
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