Silicon Valley automated build tool Maven video tutorial
"Silicon Valley Automated Build Tool Maven Video Tutorial" will help you understand the role of Maven, common commands, how to configure dependencies, as well as important concepts such as dependency scope, dependency transitivity, dependency exclusion, life cycle, as well as inheritance, aggregation, etc. Maven configuration. He will also teach you step by step how to play Maven in Eclipse.
Build tools
71280 person learning
35class hour
05 hours 35 minutes 33 secondsTotal course duration
Gold lecturer
A total of 59 courses Student85107 Lecturer rating5.9
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"Silicon Valley Automated Build Tool Maven Video Tutorial" allows you to learn the role of Maven, the transitivity of dependencies, Maven commands, and using Maven in Eclipse!
Silicon Valley automated build tool Maven video tutorial
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05 hours 35 minutes 33 seconds Watch videos anytime
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