WeChat development video tutorial
"WeChat Development Video Tutorial" was recorded by Band of Brothers. The course is from easy to deep and has detailed content. It is very suitable for novices to learn. The WeChat public platform mainly includes real-time communication, message sending and material management. Users can group and manage fans of public accounts and communicate in real time. They can also use advanced functions - editing mode and development mode to automatically reply to user information.
47682 person learning
24class hour
17 hours 55 minutes 24 secondsTotal course duration
Gold lecturer
A total of 59 courses Student85107 Lecturer rating5.1
You will learn:
"WeChat Development Video Tutorial" can learn how to introduce the development of WeChat public accounts, introduce the development of WeChat public accounts, introduce the development of WeChat public accounts, etc.
WeChat development video tutorial
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17 hours 55 minutes 24 seconds Watch videos anytime
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