React.JS Chinese basic video tutorial
"React.JS Chinese Basics Video Tutorial" React is a JS library developed by outstanding programmers working at Facebook for developing user interaction interfaces. React brings many new things such as componentization, JSX, virtual DOM, etc. The virtual DOM it provides allows us to render components very quickly, freeing us from the heavy work of frequently manipulating the DOM. Anyone who knows React knows that the work it does is more focused on the V layer in MVC. Combined with others such as Flux, you can easily build powerful applications.
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14class hour
02 hours 17 minutes 53 secondsTotal course duration
Gold lecturer
A total of 59 courses Student85107 Lecturer rating5.6
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"React.JS Chinese Basics Video Tutorial" can learn about the state of components, divided into small components, development environment and tools, two-way data flow, etc.
React.JS Chinese basic video tutorial
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02 hours 17 minutes 53 seconds Watch videos anytime
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