thinkphp3.2 basic video tutorial
"ThinkPHP 3.2 Basic Video Tutorial" mainly talks about the basic parts of thinkphp, making it easier for students to get started and understand! Let students lay the foundation for their future programming journey! !
thinkphp basics
166948 person learning
53class hour
21 hours 55 minutes 53 secondsTotal course duration
Gold lecturer
A total of 104 courses Student131930 Lecturer rating5.3
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"ThinkPHP 3.2 Basic Video Tutorial" This course will let us learn how to create a controller, the detailed methods in the controller, build our own backend, how to add, delete, modify and check data, register and log in to the page, The introduction of subspace and the use of public space, multi-language switching, verification code generation and verification, uploading, detailed explanation of RBAC, etc.! !
thinkphp3.2 basic video tutorial
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21 hours 55 minutes 53 seconds Watch videos anytime
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