Basic introduction to thinkphp and basic introduction to yii2
"Basic Introduction to Thinkphp and Basic Introduction to Yii2" This course briefly introduces the super basic knowledge of thinkphp and Yii2, code deployment, and framework running processes. It is very suitable for students who have never been exposed to frameworks! ! So what are we waiting for! ! Start the mysterious journey of opening the frame! !
thinkphp basics
yii2 basics
22476 person learning
10class hour
01 hours 02 minutes 49 secondsTotal course duration
Gold lecturer
A total of 104 courses Student131930 Lecturer rating5.6
You will learn:
After completing the course "Basic Introduction to Thinkphp and Basic Introduction to Yii2", we can learn the directory structure of TP and the layered architecture of MVC, the basic configuration of TP, various operations in the TP controller and the deployment and implementation of Yii2, etc.
Basic introduction to thinkphp and basic introduction to yii2
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01 hours 02 minutes 49 seconds Watch videos anytime
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