Javascript fun class
Introduction to JavaScript JavaScript is one of the most popular programming languages ​​on the Internet, used to add interactivity to web pages, process data, and create various applications (mobile applications, desktop applications, games, etc.). This language can be used in HTML and web, and can be widely used in servers, PCs, laptops, tablets, smartphones and other devices. JavaScript is a scripting language JavaScript is a lightweight programming language. JavaScript is programming code that can be inserted into HTML pages. When JavaScript is inserted into an HTML page, it can be executed by all modern browsers. JavaScript is easy to learn.
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49class hour
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Gold lecturer
A total of 2 courses Student33 Lecturer rating5.5
You will learn:
You can learn the basic concepts of JS, conditions and loops, functions, objects, core objects and finally DOM&Event
Javascript fun class
php中世界最好的语言 Lecturer Other Courses
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