Practical video tutorial on building a music player with Vue.js + Node.js
"Vue.js + Node.js practical video tutorial on building a music player" Vue.js and Node.js play a very important role in development. This video uses development cases to implement the music player function step by step. I hope everyone can study it carefully. .
music player
23402 person learning
8class hour
01 hours 54 minutes 16 secondsTotal course duration
Gold lecturer
A total of 29 courses Student32265 Lecturer rating5.7
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"Practical video tutorial on building a music player with Vue.js + Node.js" From this video we can mainly learn how to build a music player with Vue.js + Node.js, including a basic introduction to vue and vue routing structure list data and other knowledge.
Practical video tutorial on building a music player with Vue.js + Node.js
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01 hours 54 minutes 16 seconds Watch videos anytime
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