React basics in-depth video tutorial
"React Basics Video Tutorial" This course covers the basics of React in 30 minutes. React is a JAVASCRIPT library used to build user interfaces. React is mainly used to build UI. Many people think of React as the V (view) in MVC. React originated as an internal project at Facebook to build the Instagram website and was open sourced in May 2013. React has high performance and very simple code logic. More and more people have begun to pay attention to and use it.
React basics in-depth video tutorial
react basics
32886 person learning
14class hour
36 minutes 21 secondsTotal course duration
Gold lecturer
A total of 104 courses Student131930 Lecturer rating5.7
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"React Basics In-depth Video Tutorial" After completing this course, we can learn about the installation and use of React, components, etc.!
React basics in-depth video tutorial
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36 minutes 21 seconds Watch videos anytime
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