js advanced object-oriented and component development video tutorial
"JS Advanced Object-Oriented and Component Development Video Tutorial" Object-oriented programming language must have language components that describe objects and their relationships. Component development is also an important part of programmer design. This video will teach you how to do it from the simple to the deep. Comprehensive mastery of advanced object-oriented and component development in js.
Component development
33368 person learning
19class hour
04 hours 16 minutes 42 secondsTotal course duration
Gold lecturer
A total of 29 courses Student32265 Lecturer rating5.2
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"JS Advanced Object-Oriented and Component Development Video Tutorial" From this video, we will learn basic object-oriented knowledge, js implementation of custom events, pop-up window components, and drag-and-drop components.
js advanced object-oriented and component development video tutorial
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04 hours 16 minutes 42 seconds Watch videos anytime
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