Backing Network BootStrap video tutorial
" BootStrap Video Tutorial" is lectured by Jia Boyu. The course goes from easy to deep and explains the application of the BootStrap framework based on actual practice. Each section starts with the most basic knowledge of BootStrap and combines it with actual cases. The last two sections consolidate each knowledge point of BootStrap through two large and complete cases.
Backing network
45732 person learning
20class hour
02 hours 31 minutes 14 secondsTotal course duration
Gold lecturer
A total of 43 courses Student53537 Lecturer rating5.7
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Bootstrap is a simple, intuitive, and powerful front-end development framework based on HTML, CSS, and JavaScript developed by Mark Otto and Jacob Thornton, designers of the American Twitter company, to make Web development faster.
Backing Network BootStrap video tutorial
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02 hours 31 minutes 14 seconds Watch videos anytime
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