System: root space, including some basic class libraries
System.Collections: mainly class libraries related to collection classes
System.Collections.Generic: class library space for generic collections
System.Data: data processing class library space
System.Data.Odbc: Space for connecting to the database using ODBC
System.Data.OracleClient: Class library space for connecting to Oracle
System.Diagnostics: Mainly used for application diagnosis
System.Drawing: Mainly used for taking back space
System.Drawing.Drawing2D: A class library focusing on 2D drawing
System.Drawing.Printing: A class library mainly used for drawing and printing
System.Environment: A class library for obtaining heartache parameter information
System.IO: Input and output class library
System.IO.Compression: Class library responsible for input and output compression and decompression
System.IO.Ports: Port-related class library
System.Net: Network application class library
System.Reflection: Reflection-related class library
System.Runtime. InteropServices: Runtime mutual calling class library space
System.Runtime.Remoting: Remote calling class library space
System.Security: Security-related class library space
System.Threading: Thread-related class library space
System.Web: Web Related class library space
Syetem.Windows.Forms: Form-related class library space
System.Xml: XML file processing-related class library space