The black technology here is actually some properties in CSS that are not well known but are very useful in solving certain problems.
Many developers probably don’t understand this border-radius correctly, because basically many people use it like this:
.box { border-radius: 4px; }
The slightly more high-end one is like this:
.box { border-radius: 4px 6px 6px 4px; }
However, the ultimate black technology This is how it is used:
.box { border-radius: 5px 5px 3px 2px / 5px 5px 1px 3px; }
Yes, it can be assigned 8 values. Have you never seen it? Don’t worry, the specific explanation is as follows:
The one before the slash affects the horizontal direction, and the one behind the slash affects the vertical direction. Each number represents four different directions.
I believe many developers will be familiar with the following statement when writing CSS:
input { outline : none; } input:focus { outline : none; }
This is how to remove the default blue line frame from the input input box. In fact, another thing to mention here is that there is an outline-offset attribute in CSS. In this attribute, you can set the distance of the default wireframe; like this
input { outline-offset: 4px ; }
You can see the outline by adjusting the value of this attribute. The distance has changed.
Class declaration
You may all be familiar with the following class declaration:
.col-8 { }
Of course it’s nothing, but if you write it like this:
.♥ { color: hotpink; } .★ { color: yellow; }
Well, how does it look? You can use it like this :
<div class="♥ ★"></div>
As long as it is Unicode, you can declare your class like this.
Select several consecutive elements
ol li:nth-child(n+7):nth-child(-n+14) { background: lightpink; } /** Or Safari Way **/ ol li:nth-child(-n+14):nth-child(n+7) { background: lightpink; }
The above writing method can actually select the seventh to fourteenth li elements below ol.
Pseudo-class setting single tag
There are several common single tags in HTML:
The following example is to modify
hr:before { content: "♪♪"; } hr:after { content: " This is an <hr> element"; }
That’s right, the key is to use the two pseudo-classes: before and :after. Here, by the way, you can actually use these two pseudo-classes to modify and , but the premise is that you set the display attributes of these two to:
display: block
attribute Case sensitive
If we have code similar to the following when writing html:
<div class="box"></div> <input type="email">
Then we use attribute selectors for CSS modification:
div[class="box"] { color: blue; } input[type="email"] { border: solid 1px red; }
Such a declaration method will undoubtedly take effect. However, if we declare it like this, what will the result be like:
div[class="box"] { color: blue; } input[type="email"] { border: solid 1px red; }
After this becomes uppercase, the first class="BOX" will not affect the