#1 Introduce the standard CSS box model? How is it different from the box model of lower versions of IE?
Standard box model: width = content width (content) border padding margin
Low version IE box model: width = content width (content border padding) margin
Special Recommendation:Summary of CSS interview questions in 2020 (latest)
2 box-sizing attribute?
Used to control the parsing mode of the element's box model, the default is content-box
context-box: W3C's standard box model, setting the height/width attribute of the element refers to the content part The height/width of
border-box: IE traditional box model. Setting the height/width attributes of an element refers to the height/width of the border padding content
3 What are the CSS selectors? What properties can be inherited?
CSS selectors: id selector (#myid), class selector (.myclassname), tag selector (p, h1, p), adjacent selector (h1 p), sub Selector (ul > li), descendant selector (li a), wildcard selector (*), attribute selector (a[rel="external"]), pseudo-class selector (a:hover, li:nth -child)
Inheritable properties: font-size, font-family, color
Non-inheritable styles: border, padding, margin, width, height
takes priority Level (proximity principle): !important > [ id > class > tag ]
!important is higher than inline priority
4 How is the CSS priority algorithm calculated?
Element selector: 1
class selector: 10
id selector: 100
Element tag: 1000
5 What are the new pseudo-classes in CSS3?
p:first-of-type selects the first element belonging to its parent element
p :last-of-type selects the last element that belongs to its parent element
p:only-of-type selects the only element that belongs to its parent element
p:only-child selects the only child element that belongs to its parent element
p:nth-child(2) Selects the second child element belonging to its parent element
:enabled :disabled The disabled state of the form control.
:checked The radio button or check box is selected.
6 How to center p? How to center a floated element? How to center an absolutely positioned p?
border: 1px solid red; margin: 0 auto; height: 50px; width: 80px;
Centering the top, bottom, left and right of floating elements:
border: 1px solid red; float: left; position: absolute; width: 200px; height: 100px; left: 50%; top: 50%; margin: -50px 0 0 -100px;
Centering the left and right of absolute positioning:
border: 1px solid black; position: absolute; width: 200px; height: 100px; margin: 0 auto; left: 0; right: 0;
There are more elegant ones The way to center it is to use flexbox, I will sort it out later.
7 What are the values of display? Explain their function?
inline (default)--inline
block--block display
table--table display
list- item--item list
8 The value of position?
static (default): Arrange according to the normal document flow;
relative (relative positioning): Do not break away from the document flow, refer to its own static position through top, bottom, left, right positioning;
absolute (absolute positioning): The reference to the nearest parent element that is not static is positioned through top, bottom, left, right;
fixed (fixed positioning): The fixed reference object is the visual window.
9 What are the new features of CSS3?
10 Please explain the flexbox (flexible box layout model) of CSS3 and its applicable scenarios?
The purpose of this layout model is to provide a more efficient way to layout, align and allocate space for items in a container. In the traditional layout method, the block layout arranges the blocks in the vertical direction from top to bottom; while the inline layout arranges the blocks in the horizontal direction. Flexbox layout has no such inherent direction restrictions and can be freely manipulated by developers.
Trial scenario: Flexible layout is suitable for mobile front-end development and is also perfectly supported on Android and ios.
11 What is the principle of creating a triangle with pure CSS?
First, you need to set the width and height of the element to 0. Then set the border style.
width: 0; height: 0; border-top: 40px solid transparent; border-left: 40px solid transparent; border-right: 40px solid transparent; border-bottom: 40px solid #ff0000;
12 How to design a screen-full layout of pin characters?
The first real pin character:
13 常见的兼容性问题?
{ background-color:#f1ee18;/*所有识别*/ .background-color:#00deff\9; /*IE6、7、8识别*/ +background-color:#a200ff;/*IE6、7识别*/ _background-color:#1e0bd1;/*IE6识别*/ }
14 为什么要初始化CSS样式
15 absolute的containing block计算方式跟正常流有什么不同?
无论属于哪种,都要先找到其祖先元素中最近的 position 值不为 static 的元素,然后再判断:
如果都找不到,则为 initial containing block。
16 CSS里的visibility属性有个collapse属性值?在不同浏览器下以后什么区别?
17 display:none与visibility:hidden的区别?
display:none 不显示对应的元素,在文档布局中不再分配空间(回流+重绘)
visibility:hidden 隐藏对应元素,在文档布局中仍保留原来的空间(重绘)
18 position跟display、overflow、float这些特性相互叠加后会怎么样?
类似于优先级机制:position:absolute/fixed优先级最高,有他们在时,float不起作用,display值需要调整。float 或者absolute定位的元素,只能是块元素或表格。
19 对BFC规范(块级格式化上下文:block formatting context)的理解?
BFC规定了内部的Block Box如何布局。
20 为什么会出现浮动和什么时候需要清除浮动?清除浮动的方式?
21 上下margin重合的问题
<p class="aside"></p> <p class="text"> <p class="main"></p> </p> <!--下面是css代码--> .aside { margin-bottom: 100px; width: 100px; height: 150px; background: #f66; } .main { margin-top: 100px; height: 200px; background: #fcc; } .text{ /*盒子main的外面包一个p,通过改变此p的属性使两个盒子分属于两个不同的BFC,以此来阻止margin重叠*/ overflow: hidden; //此时已经触发了BFC属性。 }
23 移动端的布局用过媒体查询吗?
24 使用 CSS 预处理器吗?
Less sass
25 CSS优化、提高性能的方法有哪些?
26 浏览器是怎样解析CSS选择器的?
而在 CSS 解析完毕后,需要将解析的结果与 DOM Tree 的内容一起进行分析建立一棵 Render Tree,最终用来进行绘图。在建立 Render Tree 时(WebKit 中的「Attachment」过程),浏览器就要为每个 DOM Tree 中的元素根据 CSS 的解析结果(Style Rules)来确定生成怎样的 Render Tree。
27 在网页中的应该使用奇数还是偶数的字体?为什么呢?
使用偶数字体。偶数字号相对更容易和 web 设计的其他部分构成比例关系。Windows 自带的点阵宋体(中易宋体)从 Vista 开始只提供 12、14、16 px 这三个大小的点阵,而 13、15、17 px时用的是小一号的点。(即每个字占的空间大了 1 px,但点阵没变),于是略显稀疏。
28 margin和padding分别适合什么场景使用?
兼容性的问题:在IE5 IE6中,为float的盒子指定margin时,左侧的margin可能会变成两倍的宽度。通过改变padding或者指定盒子的display:inline解决。
29 元素竖向的百分比设定是相对于容器的高度吗?
当按百分比设定一个元素的宽度时,它是相对于父容器的宽度计算的,但是,对于一些表示竖向距离的属性,例如 padding-top , padding-bottom , margin-top , margin-bottom 等,当按百分比设定它们时,依据的也是父容器的宽度,而不是高度。
30 全屏滚动的原理是什么?用到了CSS的哪些属性?
31 什么是响应式设计?响应式设计的基本原理是什么?如何兼容低版本的IE?
响应式网站设计(Responsive Web design)是一个网站能够兼容多个终端,而不是为每一个终端做一个特定的版本。
<meta name=’viewport’ content=”width=device-width, initial-scale=1. maximum-scale=1,user-scalable=no”>
32 视差滚动效果?
视差滚动(Parallax Scrolling)通过在网页向下滚动的时候,控制背景的移动速度比前景的移动速度慢来创建出令人惊叹的3D效果。
33 ::before 和 :after中双冒号和单冒号有什么区别?解释一下这2个伪元素的作用
:before 和 :after 这两个伪元素,是在CSS2.1里新出现的。起初,伪元素的前缀使用的是单冒号语法,但随着Web的进化,在CSS3的规范里,伪元素的语法被修改成使用双冒号,成为::before ::after
34 你对line-height是如何理解的?
35 怎么让Chrome支持小于12px 的文字?
p{font-size:10px;-webkit-transform:scale(0.8);} //0.8是缩放比例
36 让页面里的字体变清晰,变细用CSS怎么做?
37 position:fixed;在android下无效怎么处理?
<meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1.0, maximum-scale=1.0, minimum-scale=1.0, user-scalable=no"/>
38 如果需要手动写动画,你认为最小时间间隔是多久,为什么?
多数显示器默认频率是60Hz,即1秒刷新60次,所以理论上最小间隔为1/60*1000ms = 16.7ms。
39 li与li之间有看不见的空白间隔是什么原因引起的?有什么解决办法?
40 display:inline-block 什么时候会显示间隙?
41 有一个高度自适应的p,里面有两个p,一个高度100px,希望另一个填满剩下的高度
外层p使用position:relative;高度要求自适应的p使用position: absolute; top: 100px; bottom: 0; left: 0
42 png、jpg、gif 这些图片格式解释一下,分别什么时候用。有没有了解过webp?
43 What is the difference between writing the style tag after the body and before the body?
The page loads from top to bottom. Of course, the style is loaded first.
is written after the body tag. Since the browser parses the HTML document line by line, parsing the style sheet written at the end (outline or written in the style tag) will cause the browser to stop the previous rendering and wait for loading. And if the style sheet is re-rendered after the parsing of the style sheet is completed, the FOUC phenomenon may occur under IE in Windows (i.e., the page flickering problem caused by style failure)
44 The CSS attribute overflow attribute defines the content of the overflow element content area. How to deal with it?
When the parameter is scroll, a scroll bar will appear.
When the parameter is auto, a scroll bar will appear when the content of the child element is larger than the parent element.
When the parameter is visible, the overflow content appears outside the parent element.
When the parameter is hidden, overflow will be hidden.
45 Explain CSS Sprites
Include all images involved in a page into one large image, and then use CSS background-image, background- The combination of repeat and background-position performs background positioning. Using CSS Sprites can greatly reduce the http requests of web pages, thereby greatly improving the performance of the page; CSS Sprites can reduce the bytes of images.
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