Bildlupe jquery.jqzoom.js Anwendungsbeispiel mit Lupe icon_jquery
May 16, 2016 pm 04:43 PM
1. jquery.jqzoom.js
//************************************************************** // jQZoom allows you to realize a small magnifier window,close // to the image or images on your web page easily. // // jqZoom version 2.2 // Author Doc. Ing. Renzi Marco( // First Release on Dec 05 2007 // i'm looking for a job,pick me up!!! // mail: //************************************************************** (function ($) { $.fn.jqueryzoom = function (options) { var settings = { xzoom: 200, //zoomed width default width yzoom: 200, //zoomed div default width offset: 10, //zoomed div default offset position: "right",//zoomed div default position,offset position is to the right of the image lens: 1, //zooming lens over the image,by default is 1; preload: 1 }; if (options) { $.extend(settings, options); } var noalt = ''; $(this).hover(function () { var imageLeft = $(this).offset().left; var imageTop = $(this).offset().top; var imageWidth = $(this).children('img').get(0).offsetWidth; var imageHeight = $(this).children('img').get(0).offsetHeight; noalt = $(this).children("img").attr("alt"); var bigimage = $(this).children("img").attr("jqimg"); $(this).children("img").attr("alt", ''); if ($("div.zoomdiv").get().length == 0) { $(this).after("<div class='zoomdiv'><img class='bigimg' src='" + bigimage + "'/></div>"); $(this).append("<div class='jqZoomPup'> </div>"); } if (settings.position == "right") { if (imageLeft + imageWidth + settings.offset + settings.xzoom > screen.width) { leftpos = imageLeft - settings.offset - settings.xzoom; } else { leftpos = imageLeft + imageWidth + settings.offset; } } else { leftpos = imageLeft - settings.xzoom - settings.offset; if (leftpos < 0) { leftpos = imageLeft + imageWidth + settings.offset; } } $("div.zoomdiv").css({ top: imageTop, left: leftpos }); $("div.zoomdiv").width(settings.xzoom); $("div.zoomdiv").height(settings.yzoom); $("div.zoomdiv").show(); if (!settings.lens) { $(this).css('cursor', 'crosshair'); } $(document.body).mousemove(function (e) { mouse = new MouseEvent(e); /*$("div.jqZoomPup").hide();*/ var bigwidth = $(".bigimg").get(0).offsetWidth; var bigheight = $(".bigimg").get(0).offsetHeight; var scaley = 'x'; var scalex = 'y'; if (isNaN(scalex) | isNaN(scaley)) { var scalex = (bigwidth / imageWidth); var scaley = (bigheight / imageHeight); $("div.jqZoomPup").width((settings.xzoom) / scalex); $("div.jqZoomPup").height((settings.yzoom) / scaley); if (settings.lens) { $("div.jqZoomPup").css('visibility', 'visible'); } } xpos = mouse.x - $("div.jqZoomPup").width() / 2 - imageLeft; ypos = mouse.y - $("div.jqZoomPup").height() / 2 - imageTop; if (settings.lens) { xpos = (mouse.x - $("div.jqZoomPup").width() / 2 < imageLeft) ? 0 : (mouse.x + $("div.jqZoomPup").width() / 2 > imageWidth + imageLeft) ? (imageWidth - $("div.jqZoomPup").width() - 2) : xpos; ypos = (mouse.y - $("div.jqZoomPup").height() / 2 < imageTop) ? 0 : (mouse.y + $("div.jqZoomPup").height() / 2 > imageHeight + imageTop) ? (imageHeight - $("div.jqZoomPup").height() - 2) : ypos; } if (settings.lens) { $("div.jqZoomPup").css({ top: ypos, left: xpos }); } scrolly = ypos; $("div.zoomdiv").get(0).scrollTop = scrolly * scaley; scrollx = xpos; $("div.zoomdiv").get(0).scrollLeft = (scrollx) * scalex; }); }, function () { $(this).children("img").attr("alt", noalt); $(document.body).unbind("mousemove"); if (settings.lens) { $("div.jqZoomPup").remove(); } $("div.zoomdiv").remove(); }); count = 0; if (settings.preload) { $('body').append("<div style='display:none;' class='jqPreload" + count + "'>sdsdssdsd</div>"); $(this).each(function () { var imagetopreload = $(this).children("img").attr("jqimg"); var content = jQuery('div.jqPreload' + count + '').html(); jQuery('div.jqPreload' + count + '').html(content + '<img src=\"' + imagetopreload + '\">'); }); } } })(jQuery); function MouseEvent(e) { this.x = e.pageX; this.y = e.pageY; }
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2. jqzoom.css
/*jQzoom*/ .jqzoom{ border:1px solid #BBB; float:left; position:relative; padding:0px; cursor:pointer; } div.zoomdiv { z-index: 999; position : absolute; top:0px; left:0px; width : 200px; height : 200px; background: #ffffff; border:1px solid #CCCCCC; display:none; text-align: center; overflow: hidden; } div.jqZoomPup { z-index : 999; visibility : hidden; position : absolute; top:0px; left:0px; width : 50px; height : 50px; border: 1px solid #aaa; background: #ffffff url(../images/zoomlens.gif) 50% top no-repeat; opacity: 0.5; -moz-opacity: 0.5; -khtml-opacity: 0.5; filter: alpha(Opacity=50); }
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3. HTML-Code
<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN" ""> <html xmlns="" > <head> <title></title> <script src="jquery-1.8.2.min.js" type="text/javascript"></script> <script src="jquery.jqzoom.js" type="text/javascript"></script> <link href="jqzoom.css" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" /> <script type="text/javascript"> /*使用jqzoom*/ $(function() { $(".jqzoom").jqueryzoom({ xzoom: 400, //放大图的宽度(默认是 200) yzoom: 400, //放大图的高度(默认是 200) offset: 10, //离原图的距离(默认是 10) position: "right", //放大图的定位(默认是 "right") preload: 1 }); }); </script> </head> <body> <div class="jqzoom"> <img src="images/shoe1_small.jpg" style="width:300px; height:300px;" alt="" jqimg="images/shoe1_big.jpg" id="bigImg"/> </div> </body> </html>
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Anhang: Lupensymbol (zoomlens.gif)
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