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Oracle 11g Grid Infrastructure 卸载

Freigeben: 2016-06-07 16:46:23
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Oracle 11g Grid Infrastructure 卸载

Oracle 11g grid infrastructure安装失败时,或者需要卸载时,不像10g的CRS组件卸载那么麻烦了。


rm -f /etc/init.d/init.cssd
rm -f /etc/init.d/init.crs
rm -f /etc/init.d/init.crsd
rm -f /etc/init.d/init.evmd
rm -f /etc/rc2.d/K96init.crs
rm -f /etc/rc2.d/S96init.crs
rm -f /etc/rc3.d/K96init.crs
rm -f /etc/rc3.d/S96init.crs
rm -f /etc/rc5.d/K96init.crs
rm -f /etc/rc5.d/S96init.crs
rm -rf /etc/oracle/scls_scr
rm -f /etc/inittab.crs
cp /etc/inittab.orig /etc/inittab


第一步、使用grid用户登录操作系统,这个用户是grid infrastructure软件安装用户。

Location of logs /home/grid/deinstall/logs/

############ ORACLE DEINSTALL & DECONFIG TOOL START ############


deinstall -home
                [ -silent ]
                [ -checkonly ]
                [ -local ]
                [ -paramfile ]
                [ -params ]
                [ -o ]
                [ -help | -h: Type -h or -help to get more information on each o
f the above options. ]
Specify any of the above options.

############# ORACLE DEINSTALL & DECONFIG TOOL END #############


第二步,使用deinstall -home /u01/app/11.2.0/grid 卸载安装了的文件

/home/grid/deinstall@serv2=>+ASM2$./deinstall -home /u01/app/11.2.0/grid
ORACLE_HOME = /u01/app/11.2.0/grid
Location of logs /home/grid/deinstall/logs/

############ ORACLE DEINSTALL & DECONFIG TOOL START ############

######################## CHECK OPERATION START ########################
Install check configuration START

Checking for existence of the Oracle home location /u01/app/11.2.0/grid
Oracle Home type selected for de-install is: CRS
Oracle Base selected for de-install is: /u01/app/grid
Checking for existence of central inventory location /u01/app/oraInventory
Checking for existence of the Oracle Grid Infrastructure home /u01/app/11.2.0/gr
The following nodes are part of this cluster: serv1,serv2

Install check configuration END

Traces log file: /home/grid/deinstall/logs//crsdc.log
Enter an address or the name of the virtual IP used on node "serv1"[serv1-vip]

The following information can be collected by running ifconfig -a on node "serv1
Enter the IP netmask of Virtual IP "" on node "serv1"[255.255.255.

Enter the network interface name on which the virtual IP address "
" is active

Enter an address or the name of the virtual IP used on node "serv2"[serv2-vip]

The following information can be collected by running ifconfig -a on node "serv2
Enter the IP netmask of Virtual IP "" on node "serv2"[255.255.255.

Enter the network interface name on which the virtual IP address "
" is active

Enter an address or the name of the virtual IP[]

Network Configuration check config START

Network de-configuration trace file location: /home/grid/deinstall/logs/netdc_ch

Network Configuration check config END

Asm Check Configuration START

ASM de-configuration trace file location: /home/grid/deinstall/logs/asmcadc_chec

ASM configuration was not detected in this Oracle home. Was ASM configured in th
is Oracle home (y|n) [n]: y
Specify the ASM Diagnostic Destination [ ]: /u01/app/11.2.0/grid
Specify the diskgroups that are managed by this ASM instance []: CRS

De-configuring ASM will drop all the diskgroups at cleanup time. Do you want dec
onfig tool to drop the diskgroups y|n [y]: y

######################### CHECK OPERATION END #########################

####################### CHECK OPERATION SUMMARY #######################
Oracle Grid Infrastructure Home is: /u01/app/11.2.0/grid
The cluster node(s) on which the Oracle home exists are: (Please input nodes sep
erated by ",", eg: node1,node2,...)serv1,serv2
Oracle Home selected for de-install is: /u01/app/11.2.0/grid
Inventory Location where the Oracle home registered is: /u01/app/oraInventory
ASM instance will be de-configured from this Oracle home
Do you want to continue (y - yes, n - no)? [n]: y
A log of this session will be written to: '/home/grid/deinstall/logs/deinstall_d
Any error messages from this session will be written to: '/home/grid/deinstall/l

######################## CLEAN OPERATION START ########################
ASM de-configuration trace file location: /home/grid/deinstall/logs/asmcadc_clea
ASM Clean Configuration START
ASM Clean Configuration END

Network Configuration clean config START

Network de-configuration trace file location: /home/grid/deinstall/logs/netdc_cl

De-configuring Naming Methods configuration file on all nodes...
Naming Methods configuration file de-configured successfully.

De-configuring Local Net Service Names configuration file on all nodes...
Local Net Service Names configuration file de-configured successfully.

De-configuring Directory Usage configuration file on all nodes...
Directory Usage configuration file de-configured successfully.

De-configuring backup files on all nodes...
Backup files de-configured successfully.

The network configuration has been cleaned up successfully.

Network Configuration clean config END


Run the following command as the root user or the administrator on node "serv2".

/home/grid/deinstall/perl/bin/perl -I/home/grid/deinstall/perl/lib -I/home/grid/
deinstall/crs/install /home/grid/deinstall/crs/install/rootcrs.pl -force  -delet
e -paramfile /home/grid/deinstall/response/deinstall_Ora11g_gridinfrahome1.rsp -

Press Enter after you finish running the above commands



/home/grid/deinstall/perl/bin/perl -I/home/grid/deinstall/perl/lib -I/home/grid/
deinstall/crs/install /home/grid/deinstall/crs/install/rootcrs.pl -force  -delet
e -paramfile /home/grid/deinstall/response/deinstall_Ora11g_gridinfrahome1.rsp -

至此,卸载grid infrastructure工作结束。在/etc/init.d中也不会有ohasd相关的文件了。

更多Oracle相关信息见Oracle 专题页面 ?tid=12


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