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Freigeben: 2016-06-13 08:45:27
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 * 设计模式练习
 * 1.数据库连接类(单例模式)
 * 2.调用接口实现留言本功能(工厂模式)
 * 3.实现分级举报处理功能(责任链模式)
 * 4.发送不同组合的举报信息(桥接模式)
 * 5.发送不同格式的举报信息(适配器模式)
 * 6.在投诉内容后自动追加时间(装饰器模式)
 * 7.根据会员登录信息变换显示风格(观察者模式)
 * 8.根据发帖长度加经验值(策略模式)

interface DB {

  function conn();

 * 单例模式
class MysqlSingle implements DB {

  protected static $_instance = NULL;

  public static function getInstance() {
    if (!self::$_instance instanceof self) {
      self::$_instance = new self;
    return self::$_instance;

  final protected function __construct() {
    echo 'Mysql单例创建成功<br>';

  final protected function __clone() {
    return false;

  public function conn() {
    echo 'Mysql连接成功<br>';


 * 工厂模式
interface Factory {

  function createDB();

class MysqlFactory implements Factory {

  public function createDB() {
    echo 'Mysql工厂创建成功<br>';
    return MysqlSingle::getInstance();


 * 根据用户名显示不同风格
 * 观察者模式
class Observer implements SplSubject {

  protected $_observers = NULL;
  public $_style = NULL;

  public function __construct($style) {
    $this->_style = $style;
    $this->_observers = new SplObjectStorage();

  public function show() {

  public function attach(SplObserver $observer) {

  public function detach(SplObserver $observer) {

  public function notify() {
    while ($this->_observers->valid()) {
      $observer = $this->_observers->current();


class StyleA implements SplObserver {

  public function update(SplSubject $subject) {
    echo $subject->_style . ' 模块A<br>';


class StyleB implements SplObserver {

  public function update(SplSubject $subject) {
    echo $subject->_style . ' 模块B<br>';


 * 根据不同方式进行投诉
 * 桥接模式
class Bridge {

  protected $_obj = NULL;

  public function __construct($obj) {
    $this->_obj = $obj;

  public function msg($type) {

  public function show() {


class BridgeEmail extends Bridge {

  public function msg() {
    echo 'Email>>';


class BridgeSms extends Bridge {

  public function msg() {
    echo 'Sms>>';


class Normal {

  public function msg() {
    echo 'Normal<br>';


class Danger {

  public function msg() {
    echo 'Danger<br>';


 * 适配器模式
class Serialize {

  public $content = NULL;

  public function __construct($content) {
    $this->content = serialize($content);

  public function show() {
    return '序列化格式:<br>' . $this->content;


class JsonAdapter extends Serialize {

  public function __construct($content) {
    $tmp = unserialize($this->content);
    $this->content = json_encode($tmp, TRUE);

  public function show() {
    return 'Json格式:<br>' . $this->content;


 * 在投诉内容后自动追加
 * 装饰器模式
class Base {

  protected $_content = NULL;

  public function __construct($content) {
    $this->_content = $content;

  public function getContent() {
    return $this->_content;


class Decorator {

  private $_base = NULL;

  public function __construct(Base $base) {
    $this->_base = $base;

  public function show() {
    return $this->_base->getContent() . '>>系统时间:' . date('Y-m-d H:i:s', time());


 * 分级举报处理功能
 * 责任链模式
class level1 {

  protected $_level = 1;
  protected $_top = 'Level2';

  public function deal($level) {
    if ($level <= $this->_level) {
      echo '处理级别:1<br>';
    $top = new $this->_top;


class level2 {

  protected $_level = 2;
  protected $_top = 'Level3';

  public function deal($level) {
    if ($level <= $this->_level) {
      echo '处理级别:2<br>';
    $top = new $this->_top;


class level3 {

  protected $_level = 3;
  protected $_top = 'Level2';

  public function deal($level) {
    echo '处理级别:3<br>';


if (!empty($_POST)) {
  echo '<h1>PHP设计模式</h1>';
  $mysqlFactory = new MysqlFactory();
  $single = $mysqlFactory->createDB();
  echo '<br>';
  $username = $_POST['username'];
  $ob = new Observer($username);
  $a = new StyleA();
  $b = new StyleB();
  echo '<br>';
  echo '<br>';
  $typeM = $_POST['typeM'];
  $typeN = 'Bridge' . $_POST['typeN'];
  $obj = new $typeN(new $typeM);
  echo '<br>';
  $post = $_POST;
  $obj = new Serialize($post);
  echo $obj->show();
  echo '<br>';
  $json = new JsonAdapter($post);
  echo $json->show();
  echo '<br>';
  echo '<br>';
  $content = $_POST['content'];
  $decorator = new Decorator(new Base($content));
  echo $decorator->show();
  echo '<br>';
  echo '<br>';
  $level = $_POST['level'];
  $deal = new Level1();
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    <meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1.0">
      div{border:solid gray 1px;margin-top:10px;height: 100px;width: 200px;}
    <form action="0.php" method="post">
      <select id="username" name="username">
        <option value="Tom">Tom</option>
        <option value="Lily">Lily</option>
      <select id="type" name="typeM">
        <option value="Normal">Normal</option>
        <option value="Danger">Danger</option>
      <select id="type" name="typeN">
        <option value="Email">Email</option>
        <option value="Sms">Sms</option>
      <select id="level" name="level">
        <option value="1">1</option>
        <option value="2">2</option>
        <option value="3">3</option>
      <textarea id="content" name="content" rows="3"></textarea>
      <button type="submit">提交</button>
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  • php设计模式之简单工厂模式详解
  • PHP中“简单工厂模式”实例代码讲解
  • PHP设计模式之观察者模式实例
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  • PHP 设计模式系列之 specification规格模式
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  • 学习php设计模式 php实现观察者模式(Observer)
  • 学习php设计模式 php实现模板方法模式
  • 实例讲解PHP设计模式编程中的简单工厂模式
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