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Criminal Master Magpie's Nest Antworten, Fakten, Fallanalyse

Freigeben: 2024-08-08 19:35:57
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Geheimnisse gibt es zuhauf: Auf der Suche nach dem Mörder des kriminellen Meisters „Magpie Nest“. In diesem komplizierten und verwirrenden Fall war die Identität des Mörders von „Magpie Nest“ schon immer ein ungelöstes Rätsel, das bei vielen Spielern Spekulationen und hitzige Diskussionen auslöste. Angesichts der Nebelschichten ist es nicht einfach, den wahren Mörder zu finden. In diesem Artikel werden die Details des Falles eingehend analysiert, die Kokons abgezogen und das wahre Gesicht des Mörders herausgefunden. Der PHP-Editor Xiaoxin wird Ihnen die Wahrheit über den Vorfall offenbaren und Sie Schritt für Schritt der Antwort näher bringen!

Criminal Master Magpies Nest Antworten, Fakten, Fallanalyse

Wer ist der Mörder in Master of Crime?

Der Mörder des kriminellen Elsternests ist Lin An (Ehefrau).

Einführung in den Elster-Nest-Koffer

Am 25. September 2020 um 20:00 Uhr erhielt die Polizei einen Anruf, ihr Mann sei plötzlich beim Abendessen mit Freunden zu Hause gestorben und habe den Tatort laut forensischer Untersuchung abgeriegelt Bei den Ermittlungen handelte es sich höchstwahrscheinlich um einen vorsätzlichen Mordfall. Fünf Verdächtige wurden identifiziert, und Ermittler aus aller Welt hoffen, bei der Aufklärung des Falles behilflich zu sein.

Elsternest tot

Chang Qiuhong


Lin Bei (Bruder), Lin An (Ehefrau), Cheng Juan (Liebhaber), Zhang Su (Arzt), Wen Guoping (Student)

Analyse des Elsternest-Falls

Die Wahrheit:

Am 25. September 2020 um 20:00 Uhr gab der Gerichtsmediziner einen detaillierten Autopsiebericht ab. Die Polizei stellte fest, dass das Blut des Verstorbenen rosa war und eine Hämolyse vorlag dass der Verstorbene von Acacia vergiftet wurde, wurden die Brüder Lin Bei und Lin An, die Xiangsizi-Armbänder tragen, vorgeladen. Nach drei Stunden Verhör brach Lin An schließlich zusammen und gestand den Mord.



Eingeführt von Lin An:

Seit ihrer Kindheit hat Lin An es genossen, mit ihrem Bruder Blumen und Pflanzen zu studieren. Da sie jedoch oft mit Schlamm bedeckt war, schimpften ihre Eltern oft mit ihr und verboten ihr, sie noch einmal zu berühren Privat. Nach ihrem Abschluss geriet die Familie Lin in eine Finanzkrise. Um Hilfe von der Familie Chang zu bekommen, heirateten Lins Vater und Lins Mutter Lin An mit der Verstorbenen.

Nach der Heirat gab Lin An auf Wunsch des Verstorbenen ihren Traum auf und wurde Vollzeit-Hausfrau. Sie und der Verstorbene kannten sich vorher nicht und heirateten, nachdem sie sich nur ein paar Mal getroffen hatten. Zuerst war der Verstorbene gut zu Lin An, bis der Verstorbene zwei Jahre später die meisten Projekte der Familie Lin wegnahm heiratete Cheng Juan, nachdem er von Zhang Su vorgestellt wurde.

Lin Ans Kriminalgeschichte:

Nach der Affäre beleidigten und provozierten die beiden Lin An auf jede erdenkliche Weise. Vor nicht allzu langer Zeit rief der Verstorbene seinen Assistenten an und sagte, er wolle einen großen Teil des Besitzes der Familie Lin erwerben und teilte Lin An mit, dass er sich scheiden lassen wolle Wer davon wusste, verlor völlig die Hoffnung auf den Verstorbenen. Der Verstorbene kaufte jede Woche ein nahrhaftes Medikament von Arzt Zhang Su und bat Lin An, es in Tee zu mischen, damit er es an Wochentagen trinken konnte. Vor vier Tagen hatte Lin An vor, die Gelegenheit des Verstorbenen zu nutzen, um das Medikament zu trinken um Xiangsizi zu vergiften.

Da er die Giftigkeit von Acacia japonica nicht ganz verstand, konsultierte Lin An seinen Bruder, einen Botaniker. Nachdem er die Informationen erhalten hatte, folgte Lin An dem ursprünglichen Plan und zerbrach einige der Akaziensamen in seinem Akazienarmband. Nachdem er die Schale zerbrochen hatte, legte er das Armband in den fast kalten Tee und ließ es lange einweichen, um zu bestätigen, dass die Giftstoffe darin enthalten waren Die Akaziensamen wurden mit dem Wasser vermischt, der Trank wurde gemischt und der Verstorbene wurde gebeten, ihn zu trinken, bis er vier Tage später starb Heute.

Eingeführt von Lin Bei:

Lin Beis Mordmotiv war dasselbe wie das seiner Schwester. Nachdem er erfahren hatte, dass der Verstorbene die Anteile der Familie Lin gekauft hatte, suchte Lin Bei heimlich nach jemandem, der den Aufenthaltsort des Verstorbenen ermitteln sollte. Als Botaniker bestand seine erste Reaktion, nachdem er die Beratung seiner Schwester erhalten hatte, darin, eine Kopie der Informationen weiterzugeben, doch die wiederholten Nachfragen seiner Schwester erregten später seine Aufmerksamkeit. Vorgestern lud er seine Schwester unter dem Vorwand ein, auszugehen, um sich zu entspannen. Nachdem sie sie mehrmals gefragt hatte, enthüllte sie die Angelegenheit der Vergiftung des Verstorbenen.

Der ältere Bruder war immer unzufrieden mit dem Verstorbenen, und nun hatte die jüngere Schwester den Verstorbenen vergiftet. Das Akaziengift war bei der Autopsie schwer zu erkennen, sodass er nicht die Absicht hatte, den Verstorbenen zu retten. Um auf der sicheren Seite zu sein, tauschte er gewaltsam die Armbänder von sich und seiner Schwester aus, so dass Lin Bei, selbst wenn er herausgefunden würde, die Schuld an seiner Schwester tragen würde. Lin An konnte seinen Bruder nicht besiegen, also musste er Armbänder austauschen.

Der einzige Unterschied zwischen Lin Bei und Lin An besteht darin, dass er vor einigen Tagen keine Gelegenheit hatte, den Verstorbenen zu vergiften, und dass er den Verstorbenen von Anfang an verspottet hatte Er betrat das Haus und war sehr abstoßend gegenüber dem Verstorbenen. Natürlich sei es auch unmöglich, dem Verstorbenen etwas zu geben, das den Verstorbenen dem Gift der Akazie aussetzen könnte, so er war nicht der ältere Bruder, er war an diesem Tag nur da, um seine Schwester zu unterstützen. Die Form der Akaziensamen ändert sich nach dem Einweichen in Wasser, sodass der Strauß unterschiedlich großer Akazienarmbänder, den Lin Bei trug, ursprünglich Lin An gehörte.

Eingeführt von Cheng Juan:

Cheng Juan and Zhang Su were classmates in junior high school. They met in junior high school because they were both targets of campus violence. After getting along for a long time, Cheng Juan developed a good impression of Zhang Su, which has continued to this day, but Zhang Su did not Didn't know about this. Two years ago, Zhang Su asked Cheng Juan to destroy the deceased's family. The two made an agreement. After Cheng Juan took over, she persuaded the deceased to write a will, then caused an accident to kill the deceased. In the end, the two of them shared the deceased's property equally.

However, after dating the deceased for a year, Cheng Juan discovered that although the deceased had told her that he wanted to divorce Lin An, he had not taken any action. Cheng Juan couldn't wait any longer, so she got into a tough fight with the deceased. The deceased couldn't stand Cheng Juan's fuss, so he went to buy a huge insurance policy with her as a guarantee for her.

Up to this point, Cheng Juan had no motive for the murder. It was not until the 21st that Zhang Su left the bottle containing succinylcholine in Cheng Juan's car and was discovered by Cheng Juan. After asking medical friends, Cheng Juan thought of the recent death of Zhang Su's father, and quickly sent a message to Zhang Su for fear that he would do something impulsive.

From Zhang Su's reply, Cheng Juan realized that Zhang Su wanted to kill the deceased, so she invited Zhang Su out for questioning. Although Zhang Su did not say it explicitly, Cheng Juan knew Zhang Su's plan after more than ten years of acquaintance. She didn't intend to let Zhang Su take this life, and she knew that the hatred in Zhang Su's heart would not disappear unless he killed the deceased, so Cheng Juan planned to get ahead of Zhang Su, but Zhang Su didn't know all this. He thought Cheng Juan was waiting to kill someone in marriage.

On the afternoon of the day of the incident, Zhang Su sent a message informing her that someone would come to the deceased's home for dinner and asked Cheng Juan to declare her sovereignty. It was at this time that Cheng Juan got interested. The deceased had responded to Cheng Juan's requests before, so Cheng Juan planned to take this opportunity to poison the deceased and then coax the deceased to drink the entire bottle of wine. Before leaving, she plucked all the flowers from her own white rhododendron pots and mixed the juice into the wine, so that there would be enough tetracyclic diterpene toxins in the wine.

This process made Cheng Juan smell a huge scent of white azaleas. After arriving at the deceased's home, she stayed with the deceased, made sarcastic remarks to his wife Lin An, and snatched Lin An's tea before eating, all to make Zhang Su think that they were still in the midst of a marital murder plan. Half an hour later, everyone had dinner together. She poured a glass of wine for the deceased alone, hoping to kill him by giving him wine, but the deceased refused to let her pour more because he was not feeling well, and he drank very little.

The deceased also asked Cheng Juan to pour wine for everyone to prove that she was the hostess. In order not to arouse suspicion, Cheng Juan had to pour a glass for herself and Zhang Su. Although the wine was indeed poisonous, the deceased had just drunk half of the glass and died before finishing the glass of wine. The reason for excluding the lover was that there was not such a lethal amount in a glass of wine, and the second was that the poison of cuckoo would not be contained in half of the glass. Death within hours.

Introduced by Wen Guoping:

Wen Guoping is a student in the art department and the adopted son of the Wen family. He has an older sister. Two years ago, the deceased set a trap that caused the Wen family's company to suffer losses. Wen Guoping's parents fell ill and died as a result. The Wen family's company was divided between relatives and the deceased, and the deceased took the lion's share. In the end, Wen Guoping and his sister had to live alone and work hard outside. Without any financial foundation in the early stage, it was Lin Bei who found the siblings to help and introduced Wen Guoping to the job of selling paintings.

A year ago, the property the deceased invested suffered losses. He approached Zhang Su and asked for a sum of money to make up for the losses. Zhang Su investigated around and found that the youngest son of the Wen family was selling paintings and was selling well, so the deceased found him. Wen Guoping proposed to cooperate in selling paintings, and he signed a contract on the grounds that "it can help you and your sister save money, and I can sell them at a higher price." The deceased offered to sell Wen Guoping's paintings. , the deceased received 70%, and only 30% was given to Wen Guoping.

As time went by, the deceased became more and more greedy, and Wen Guoping painted faster and faster. Finally, Wen Guoping became extremely resistant to painting due to pressure and could no longer paint. But the deceased did not intend to let him go. He threatened Wen Guoping's sister and asked him to continue painting. Wen Guoping and his sister depended on each other and regarded her as the most important person.

Wen Guoping knew that the deceased loved sweets, so after receiving the news that the deceased invited him to his home for dinner, Wen Guoping put non-synthetic cinnabar into a small cake, masking the taste of cinnabar with the sweetness of cream, and brought it to the deceased's home. At home, everyone ate small cakes, and the deceased ate a lot because he liked sweets. However, he did not expect Lin Bei to arrive suddenly before eating, and then he realized that Lin An was Lin Bei's sister. It takes half an hour to three hours for symptoms of cinnabar poisoning to appear, and longer time for death, so Wen Guoping did not kill anyone.

Introduced by Zhang Su:

Doctor Zhang Su was expelled from high school and was actually blamed for the deceased. The deceased's family was relatively wealthy and he discussed this matter with Zhang Su. In the future, he would give Zhang Su money and provide him with a job. Zhang Su, whose family was in straitened circumstances, agreed to the matter under the coercion and inducement of the deceased, transferred to another school and went to school again, and was admitted to postgraduate medicine. But Zhang Su's expulsion also dealt a blow to Zhang Su's father, who suffered a stroke in anger.

Zhang Su spent a lot of money to treat his father, and he has been asking the deceased to borrow money over the years. After the deceased established the company, Zhang Su received salary as the deceased's doctor. But as time went by, the relationship between Zhang Su and the deceased became worse and worse, and the deceased felt that Zhang Su wanted too much. After the deceased gradually stopped paying Zhang Su, the conflict between the two became more and more intense. Zhang Su also knew that the marriage between the deceased and Lin An was very weak, and he felt that he could use this to get the deceased's money. So he introduced Cheng Juan to the deceased, and the two naturally had an extramarital affair.

Two months ago, Zhang Su's father died of illness, and the deceased also planned to fire Zhang Su at this time. Under the double blow of his father's death and unemployment, Zhang Su became murderous and planned to meet the deceased in a cafe on the 28th. Zhang Su did not take action today. The opening of the spores was an accident. When Zhang Su arrived at the deceased's house, he found that the deceased had otitis media and gave him two pills. I ate it without thinking twice.

Zhang Su sent a message to ask Cheng Juan to come over to make Cheng Juan think that he was still continuing his plan to kill people in marriage, and to prevent Cheng Juan from suspecting him after the death of deceased No. 28. Zhang Su did not expect that Cheng Juan brought a bottle of low-alcohol fruit wine when she went to the deceased's house. Taking cephalosporins and drinking alcohol can easily cause a disulfiram reaction, which may cause death in severe cases. However, after taking cephalosporin and only drinking half a glass of wine an hour later, he would not die in about half an hour. Moreover, Cheng Juan brought low-alcohol fruit wine with a low alcohol content.

Zhang Su made an appointment with the deceased on the 28th and planned to kill him then. After receiving the succinylcholine purchased online on the 21st, Zhang Su and Cheng Juan met in the car and discussed the progress of Cheng Juan and the deceased in recent days. When getting out of the car, Zhang Su accidentally left the bottle containing succinylcholine in Cheng Juan's car. Cheng Juan sent a message to Zhang Su and asked him to come back to get it. The other party's reply aroused Cheng Juan's curiosity, so she secretly left some powder and gave it to a friend studying medicine.

After the friend received it, he tested it and found that it was succinylcholine. He asked Cheng Juan where it came from and told Cheng Juan the relevant information about succinylcholine, which made Cheng Juan suspicious. She asked Zhang Su to come out and make it clear that after the two met, Zhang Su deceived Cheng Juan by making up lies and other methods, hoping that she would ignore the matter. However, Cheng Juan determined that Zhang Su wanted to kill someone based on her years of acquaintance and understanding of him. idea. Zhang Su called Cheng Juan today just to make Cheng Juan think that the two of them were still in the plan of killing someone in marriage. He didn't know that Cheng Juan made the deceased sign a huge contract.

Clue sorting:

Although the deceased showed obvious symptoms before death, no one wanted to send him to the hospital in time. Everyone had their own ulterior motives, and the deceased was not in good health on weekdays. The deceased himself did not think about being poisoned, but thought that he was poisoned. My health has not been good recently or for other reasons, so I have to eat hard.

Lin An was poisoned: Lin An was poisoned with cinnabar + tetracyclic diterpene toxins. It didn’t last long, so he only had symptoms of dizziness and breathlessness.

Lin Bei's poisoning: Lin Bei was poisoned by tetracyclic diterpenoid toxins. Because he was agitated while eating and drank alcohol, his symptoms were slightly more obvious, including palpitation, breathlessness, and numbness in his limbs.

Cheng Juan was poisoned: Lin An was poisoned by cinnabar + tetracyclic diterpenoid toxins. Cinnabar can cause dizziness, gastrointestinal discomfort and severe abdominal pain, but he didn’t eat much and the time was not long enough, so the symptoms were not obvious.

Zhang Su poisoning: Zhang Su was poisoned by cinnabar + tetracyclic diterpenoid toxins, but due to the time and amount of intake, the symptoms were only mild, with symptoms of weakness and dizziness in the limbs.

Cinnabar can cause: nausea, vomiting, increased salivation, oral mucosal congestion, edema, necrosis, gum swelling, burning sensation in the upper abdomen, diarrhea and other symptoms. In severe cases, it can cause stretching and necrosis to produce poison in about half an hour to three hours. physiological reaction

Tetracyclic diterpenoid toxins can cause: vomiting, difficulty breathing, numbness of limbs, shock and other symptoms. The incubation period is about two hours

Acacia seed poisoning can cause: difficulty swallowing, nausea and vomiting, abdominal spasmodic pain, liver and kidney failure in the later stages, and an incubation period of several hours to several days. The poisoned person usually dies within three to four days after poisoning.

The dove takes over the magpie's nest: a Chinese idiom. One metaphor refers to taking someone else's house, land, property, etc., and the other refers to a bride taking the place of an abandoned wife.

"Magpie's Nest" refers to Cheng Juan's dove occupying the magpie's nest, the Lin family's magpie's nest is about to be occupied by the deceased's dove, and the Wen family's magpie's nest is occupied by the deceased's dove, and the location of the crime is also the "nest" itself.

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