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Rezension zu Tactical Breach Wizards – Witzige Zauberer mit Waffen

Freigeben: 2024-08-20 16:32:02
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Ich war noch nie gut im Schach. Ich schaffe es einfach nicht, ein paar Schritte vorauszudenken oder die nächsten Schritte meiner Gegner vorherzusagen. Das bedeutet, dass ich Spiele wie XCOM oder andere rundenbasierte taktische Strategiespiele normalerweise meide. Als ich jedoch Tactical Breach Wizards zur Rezension durchspielte, wurde mir klar, dass das Genre tatsächlich viel mehr Spaß machen könnte, als ich dachte und Vorstellungskraft des Teams dahinter. Von der Kulisse bis zu den Charakteren wurde alles vollständig ausgearbeitet, was zu einem Spiel mit deutlich mehr Charme und Persönlichkeit als viele andere Spiele desselben Genres geführt hat.

Ganz schön

Was mich an „Tactical Breach Wizards“ wirklich beeindruckt hat und es zu einem so unterhaltsamen Erlebnis gemacht hat, ist die Geschichte, die das Team zwischen den verschiedenen Versatzstücken verwoben hat. Obwohl es sich um ein rundenbasiertes taktisches Strategiespiel handelt, steckt viel Persönlichkeit und Humor darin.

Tactical Breach Wizards review – Witty wizards with weaponsDie verschiedenen Charaktere haben ihre eigenen Hintergrundgeschichten. Jeder von ihnen bringt sein eigenes Gepäck mit, während das Team langsam zusammengestellt wird und aus der schmuddeligen Ecke des Söldnergeschäfts herausgeholt wird, in das sie verwickelt waren. Alle verschiedenen Zauberer haben eine Geschichte, und es gibt keine klaren Guten oder Helden. Eitelkeit, Gier, Trägheit und Unsicherheit spielen alle eine große Rolle in dem urkomischen Dialog, den sie teilen.

Der Text in Tactical Breach Wizards gibt den Charakteren die Möglichkeit, konkreter zu werden. Motive und Zweifel werden durch optionale Traumsequenz-Levels, kleine Nebenquests und Dialoge innerhalb und außerhalb des Gameplays erkundet. Keiner der Charaktere ist ohne Fehler und jeder hat seine eigenen Pläne, aber durch den reichhaltigen und sehr humorvollen Text beginnen wir, sie alle zu verstehen.

Stilvolle Zaubersprüche

Ein einfacher, aber effektiver Kunststil hält die Dinge minimalistisch, aber ansprechend. Die einfachen, blockigen Illustrationen sind voller Charakter und passen perfekt zum Text. Trotz ihrer einfachen Gestaltung ist jeder der Zauberer in der Lage, viel Emotion darzustellen und den Humor des Dialogs perfekt zu vermitteln. Die Menge an Verachtung, die in einer einzigen Kopfbewegung zum Ausdruck kommt, ist ein Beweis für die Schreib- und Animationsleistung des Teams.

Tactical Breach Wizards review – Witty wizards with weaponsMir wurde es nie langweilig, die verschiedenen, abwechslungsreichen Phasen von Tactical Breach Wizards anzustarren. In meinen 12 Stunden Spielzeit gelang es dem Team, alle möglichen fantasievollen und fesselnden Levels unterzubringen, von Zügen, die durch eisige Berge rasen, bis hin zu engen Schlägereien in Seitenstraßen.

Das Design von Tactical Breach Wizards ist der Schlüssel zu seiner Einfachheit, aber das spiegelt nicht das Gameplay wider. Ich war dankbar für die sanften, aber künstlerischen Designs. Sie waren schnell zu erlernen und ich verstand, wie ich die verschiedenen Umgebungen zu meinem Vorteil nutzen konnte. Ein Brettspiel wie Risk kann direkt im Müll landen. Ich fand jedoch, dass das Tempo, das Gameplay und die Strategie von Tactical Breach Wizards für meine Social-Media-Aufmerksamkeitsspanne absolut genau richtig sind.

Breach and Clear

Die Prämisse ist einfach. Sie haben die Kontrolle über ein Team von Zauberern, von denen jeder über ausgewählte Fähigkeiten verfügt. Das kann alles sein, von der Fähigkeit, sich in einen Hund zu verwandeln, bis hin zur Macht, Menschen wiederzubeleben, vorausgesetzt, man schießt ihnen zuerst ins Gesicht.

Tactical Breach Wizards review – Witty wizards with weapons

Using these skills, it’s up to you to move each wizard through a stage filled with enemies and other hazards. Various challenges and objectives must be, or can also be, completed during each stage. Not every wizard is always available for each mission, meaning you need to play the hand you’re dealt.

However, before you commit to a whole turn, every move can be rewound. This means that you can plan out a play, test to see how it works, and then if the outcome isn’t what you want, rewind and start again. This may sound like it makes it all too easy, but you’d be wrong.

Bite-size battles

I rarely found myself frustrated or locked down in Tactical Breach Wizards. Instead, each fight, although often challenging, could be cleaned up in just a few minutes. Whole missions are broken up into a series of stages, with each stage only taking a few moves to clear if done right. This means an entire level can be cleared in around 10 to 20 minutes.

Now, this might sound like a complaint, but it is far from it. The fast pacing of the gameplay encouraged me to find ways to clear a level in as few moves as possible, often using my various skills to completely wipe a floor in only the first turn. The feeling of mastering the room, abilities, and varied characters was incredibly satisfying.

The quick and satisfying pace of each stage encouraged me to replay certain levels to see if I could hit the optional objectives. Resetting a level completely was no great loss in time, and nailing a perfect clear is intensely satisfying. The quick turnaround of the stages, levels, and storyline kept me playing a lot longer than a strategy game that required more time per stage ever would.

Try and try again

Tactical Breach Wizards review – Witty wizards with weapons

One of the central characters in Tactical Breach Wizards has the ability to see every possibility of every action all the time. This sets up the game for one of the core mechanics, which is being able to see how your moves will play out and rewind them.

When I first learned this was a thing, I felt like it would make the game far too easy, but it doesn’t. Instead, I was able to plan out whole plays, using the vast array of skills in my arsenal. However, often, after using multiple moves on multiple characters, I would reach the end of my turn and realize someone right at the beginning of my planning was in a bad position.

I would build whole turns, moving player after player, then have to hit rewind when I realized someone was in the wrong place or something would be much more effectively used elsewhere. Resources are finite, and health can be quickly drained. I found the satisfaction of stripping a play all the way down and rebuilding it again using the rewind button made me feel like a real-life tactical breach wizard.

Not too much of a strain

I did enjoy the pacing of Tactical Breach Wizards, and I did take the time to read the various dialogue options during the review and play through the optional extra missions, but the game was over quite quickly. Don’t expect more than twelve to fifteen hours of gameplay on your initial run-through of the game. It’s short and sweet, but for $20, it’s well worth the price.

There are plenty of extras to get into after completing Tactical Breach Wizards. For the perfectionists out there, each stage comes with a unique set of challenges that result in a point to put towards new outfits. For some more exposition and world-building, there are dream sequences and side missions to perfect. These are all optional, but I still found myself drawn to completing them while reviewing Tactical Breach Wizards.

Tactical Breach Wizards review – Witty wizards with weapons

I didn’t feel like the game was rushed or ended with a hasty conclusion. Just as the pacing of the stages themselves is snappy and quick, the storyline gives time and space to the characters and the development of the plot. It feels completed by the end and filled throughout the middle.

I will admit that I played the Tactical Breach Wizards on medium difficulty for the ease of the review, and I often found myself scratching my head but rarely got stuck for too long. The levels pushed me to utilize my various skills and helped me really explore just what could be done with the wizards. However, even as I approached the final stages during the review, I found I had never got stuck to the point of rage quitting Tactical Breach Wizards.

If you’re looking for a game that is going to really push you strategically, I recommend playing Tactical Breach Wizards on the harder settings. I have no doubt that at those difficulties, even seasoned turn-based strategic players will really have to dig deep.

Stylish and strategic

I found my review time with Tactical Breach Wizards much more enjoyable than I expected it to be. The team themselves are moving from strength to strength with their defenestration series, and this is a wonderful addition to the list.

Beyond the intense and fun gameplay, the setting, writing, and characters of the game really kept me engrossed between battles. The various wizards all bring their own flavor to the game, each one just as flawed as the last.

The writing in Tactical Breach Wizards is genuinely funny, employing a lot of the dry humor and satire that many games try for, and miss so badly. I’m looking at you, Borderlands 3. The team at Suspicious Developments has a real knack for character creation and a wickedly sharp sense of humor. Up until the last scenes of the game, there were emotional, funny, and hilariously shocking moments that had me chuckling away.

The strategic gameplay is perfect for a layman of the genre like myself. I found I was able to learn the various skill sets and employ them quickly, tactically, and to great effect in no time at all. For the more experienced player, step the difficulty up and take a real challenge. There are sure to be some real brain teasers in there.

With the varied and interesting abilities each wizard comes with, there is a huge variety of combinations that crop up throughout the game. Each scenario is different, and each one demands different tactics. I found great satisfaction in finding out just what kind of synergy the Suspicious Developments team had planned for each stage. There are multiple solutions to every problem, and nailing it feels great.

Pick the game up. For $20, you could do a lot worse.

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