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Wie lade ich ein Laptop-Hintergrundbild herunter?

Freigeben: 2024-08-25 06:38:40
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Möchten Sie schöne Hintergrundbilder für Ihren Laptop herunterladen, wissen aber nicht, wo Sie anfangen sollen? Mach dir keine Sorgen! Der PHP-Editor Baicao bietet Ihnen eine ausführliche Download-Anleitung, die jeden Schritt von der Erstellung des Bildes bis zur Festlegung als Hintergrundbild vorstellt. Der folgende Artikel führt Sie Schritt für Schritt, damit Sie Ihre Lieblingshintergründe ganz einfach herunterladen und anwenden können, um Ihrem Desktop ein neues Aussehen zu verleihen.

Wie lade ich ein Laptop-Hintergrundbild herunter?

1. Wie lade ich ein Laptop-Hintergrundbild herunter?

Sie können mit der rechten Maustaste auf den Desktop klicken – Personalisieren – Auf den Desktop-Hintergrund klicken – Durchsuchen – Den gewünschten Hintergrundbildordner auswählen – Die Bilder markieren, die Sie anzeigen möchten – Bestätigen.

Wenn Sie die Personalisierung nicht finden können, indem Sie mit der rechten Maustaste auf den Desktop klicken, können Sie zur Systemsteuerung – Personalisierung gehen, um sie einzurichten.

Zuerst müssen wir ein Hintergrundbild finden, das uns gefällt. Dann klicken wir mit der rechten Maustaste auf den Desktop und wählen „Personalisieren“.

Wir klicken auf „Desktop-Hintergrund“ und dann auf „Durchsuchen“, um den Speicherort des heruntergeladenen Hintergrundbilds zu finden.

Sobald Sie es gefunden haben, markieren Sie das √ in der oberen linken Ecke des Hintergrundbilds und klicken Sie, um die Änderungen zu speichern. Natürlich gibt es noch eine andere, einfachere Methode: Laden Sie das Hintergrundbild herunter und speichern Sie es auf dem Desktop, klicken Sie mit der rechten Maustaste auf das heruntergeladene Hintergrundbild und wählen Sie „Als Desktop-Hintergrund festlegen“ und fertig. Unter Computer-Desktop-Hintergrund versteht man den Hintergrund unseres Desktops. Das von normalen Windows-Benutzern verwendete Standard-Desktop-Hintergrundbild ist im Lieferumfang des Windows-Systems enthalten. Bei längerer Verwendung führt dies zu visueller Ermüdung. Wie ändern wir also das Hintergrundbild? Mit anderen Worten: Wie stellen wir das Desktop-Hintergrundbild auf unser Lieblingsbild ein? Hier stellen wir die spezifische Bedienungsmethode vor.

Nachdem wir den Computer eingeschaltet haben, klicken Sie mit der rechten Maustaste auf den Desktop und es werden Optionen angezeigt. Wir wählen die personalisierte Schaltfläche aus.

Nachdem wir auf die Personalisierungsschaltfläche geklickt haben, können wir die Benutzeroberfläche mit den Hintergrundoptionen für den Computer-Desktop aufrufen.

Zu diesem Zeitpunkt können wir sehen, dass auf der linken Seite der angezeigten Benutzeroberfläche große Optionen wie Hintergrund und Farbe vorhanden sind. Wir wählen die Hintergrundoption aus.

Zu diesem Zeitpunkt erscheint auf der rechten Seite der Benutzeroberfläche eine Reihe von Bildern zur Auswahl. Wir wählen ein Bild aus, das uns gefällt, legen es als Desktop-Hintergrund fest und klicken dann, um es an die Bildschirmgröße anzupassen. und klicken Sie erneut auf Speichern, um die Einstellung abzuschließen.

Klicken Sie beim Einrichten auf das Bild, um den Desktop-Effekt des Bildes anzuzeigen.

Wir können auch unsere Lieblingsbilder im Internet suchen und herunterladen, z. B. Cartoon-Stars, Landschaften usw., und sie als Hintergrundbild für unseren eigenen Computer-Desktop festlegen.

Wir können das Desktop-Hintergrundbild des Computers auch so einstellen, dass es regelmäßig automatisch wechselt, was mühsame Vorgänge erspart und die Hintergrundbilder ständig aktualisiert werden, um den visuellen Anforderungen des Benutzers gerecht zu werden. Wie geht das? Tatsächlich ist eine solche Einstellung sehr einfach. Nachdem wir sie geöffnet haben, ändern wir den Hintergrund von der Bildoption auf die Diashow-Option Was die Aktualisierungshäufigkeit angeht, können wir wählen, ob wir sie jeden Tag oder in ein paar Stunden aktualisieren möchten, sodass das Computer-Desktop-Hintergrundbild endlos angezeigt werden kann.

Wir können unsere Lieblingsbilder aus dem Internet herunterladen, sie zur Diashow-Sequenz hinzufügen und dann jeden Tag unsere Lieblingshintergründe sehen.

2. Wie kann man die Tapete wechseln, wenn die Tapete schimmelig ist?

Nachdem Sie die alte Tapete entfernt haben, schaufeln Sie die schimmeligen Stellen an der Wand heraus und kleben Sie dann die neue Tapete ein

3 Wie hängt man Gemälde auf, ohne die Tapete zu beschädigen?

Sie können zum Aufhängen von Gemälden spurlose Haken, Klebeband oder Haken verwenden. Achten Sie darauf, die Position eines Hakens auf der Tapete zu messen, und drücken Sie ihn dann vorsichtig an, um eine Beschädigung der Oberfläche zu vermeiden der Tapete.

4. Ist es einfach, alte Tapeten durch neue zu ersetzen?

1. Tapete abziehen

Warmen Sie die alte Tapete ein, um sie zu entfernen. Je nach Material ist der Effekt beim Abziehen von der Wand unterschiedlich. Wenn die Tapete selbst als leicht ablösbar gekennzeichnet ist, lässt sich die Tapete nach dem Einweichen in warmem Wasser und dem Öffnen einer bestimmten Naht oder Ecke leicht ablösen. Wenn die Tapete aus zwei Schichten Grundmaterial und Deckschicht besteht, müssen Sie eine bestimmte Naht oder Ecke öffnen, um die Deckschicht abzuziehen, und sie dann langsam zuerst ein wenig, dann noch etwas mehr auseinanderreißen und den Riss verstärken Bereich, bis die Oberfläche der Wand vollständig bedeckt ist. Die oberste Schicht aller Tapeten wurde abgezogen. Die spezifischen Methoden und Techniken sind wie folgt:

1. Schaben Sie die Kunststoffschicht auf der Oberfläche mit einem Zahnschaber ab, damit das Wasser reibungslos in die Innenschicht eindringen kann.

2. Sprühen Sie mit einem Sprühgerät warmes Wasser auf den Papierträger, um die Tapete einzuweichen und den Kleber aufzuweichen, normalerweise für mehr als 2 Stunden. Sie können die Tapete auch mit der Hitze eines Bügeleisens andrücken. Durch die Hitze wird die Tapete auch befeuchtet. Sie können sie auch mit Wasser besprühen und mit einem Fön erwärmen, bevor Sie die Tapete abziehen.

3. Prüfen Sie, ob sich die Trägerschicht der Tapete und die Wand problemlos abziehen lassen.

4. Verwenden Sie Schleifpapier, um restliche Papierreste von der Wand zu entfernen.

5. Überprüfen Sie die Wand auf Risse und Schlaglöcher und entfernen Sie Befestigungen. Wenn ja, muss die Wand behandelt werden.

Tips: If there is moisture on some parts of the wall, do not put wallpaper on it. Wait until the root cause of the moisture is found and removed before dealing with the problem accordingly. Wallpaper cannot be pasted on old wallpaper. This will cause overlapping marks. Another point is that the adhesive of the old wallpaper has been around for a long time and is more susceptible to moisture, causing the new wallpaper to detach together. It is easy for the old wallpaper to not perform as well as the new wallpaper, so it directly reduces the quality of the new wallpaper. Function.

2. Paste new wallpaper

Follow the steps of pasting wallpaper and re-paste your favorite wallpaper (Tip, when changing the wallpaper, you don’t need to repaint the wall with putty powder, you only need to use a small amount of putty powder to level the wall) There are potholes). After the whole process, you can replace all the wallpaper in your home in 1-2 days.

5. How to turn off the wallpaper on Apple mobile phone?

How to turn off wallpaper on Apple mobile phone is as follows:

1. Click Options in the phone settings menu.

2. Click.

3. Choose a wallpaper you like and click Set. Open your iPhone, enter the settings page, and click Wallpaper. Click to choose a new wallpaper. Click on Live Wallpaper. Select the wallpaper you want to set. Click Settings. Click Set both. Self-made wallpapers cannot be deleted, you only need to replace them with a new wallpaper. After the replacement, your original wallpaper will be closed.

6. Is the BN wallpaper the Grammy wallpaper?

Grammy wallpaper, imported from Netherlands BN, originally imported, non-woven material, safe and environmentally friendly

7. Wallpaper and wall lamps

Wallpaper and wall lamps are two important elements in interior decoration. They can be used as decorative and lighting tools, while also adding layering and depth to interior spaces. When decorating indoor space, how should we match wallpaper and wall lamps?

Choice of Wallpaper

Wallpaper is a very important part of interior decoration, it can add color and pattern to the room. When choosing wallpaper, we should consider the following factors:

1: Purpose of the room: Different rooms require different wallpapers. For example, bright colors and bold patterns can be chosen for the living room, while soft and cozy wallpaper can be chosen for the bedroom.

2: Size of the room: Bright colors and small patterns should be chosen for small rooms, which can make the room look larger.

3: Wallpaper material: Wallpaper material is also very important. Different materials can produce different effects. For example, silk and cellulose wallpapers can add texture to a room, while plain paper wallpapers are more economical and practical.

Selection of wall lights

Wall lights are an important part of lighting in indoor spaces. When choosing wall lights, we should consider the following factors:

1: Purpose of the room: Different rooms require different wall lights. For example, you can choose soft lighting for the bedroom and bright lighting for the living room.

2: Type of wall light: The type of wall light is also very important. Different wall lights can produce different effects. For example, a dimmable wall light can adjust the brightness of the light, while a directional wall light can focus the light where it needs to be illuminated.

3: The material of the wall lamp: The material of the wall lamp is also very important. Different materials can produce different effects. For example, metal wall lights can add texture to a room, while plastic wall lights are more economical and practical.

The matching of wallpaper and wall lamps

The matching of wallpaper and wall lamps is very important, as it can add layering and depth to the indoor space. When matching wallpaper and wall lamps, we should consider the following factors:

1: Color matching: The colors of wallpaper and wall lamps should match each other and not conflict. For example, the color of the wallpaper can be similar to that of the wall lights, which can make the room more harmonious.

2: Matching of patterns: The patterns of wallpaper and wall lamps should also match each other without conflict. For example, the pattern of the wallpaper can be similar to that of the wall lights, which can make the room more coordinated.

3: Illumination of light: The illumination of wall lamps can make the pattern of the wallpaper more vivid, and it can also add layering and depth to the wallpaper. When installing wall lights, we should consider the angle and location of the illumination.

To sum up, wallpaper and wall lights are very important elements in interior decoration. When choosing and matching wallpapers and wall lamps, we should consider the purpose, size, color, pattern, lighting and other factors of the room, which can make the room more beautiful and comfortable.

8. Kitchen wallpaper

When decorating the kitchen, it is very important to choose the right wallpaper. As one of the important spaces in the home, the kitchen needs a decoration that is both practical and beautiful. This article will introduce you to how to choose and use wallpaper suitable for the kitchen to help you create a warm and comfortable kitchen environment.

Choice of wallpaper

Choosing the right kitchen wallpaper needs to consider the following factors:

1: Water resistance

The kitchen is a humid environment, where water vapor and oil fumes are often present. Therefore, it is very important to choose wallpaper with good water resistance. You can choose wallpaper with waterproof function, which can effectively prevent the wallpaper from getting damp and moldy.

2: Easy to clean

The kitchen is a place that gets dirty easily, and the wallpaper is easily contaminated by food oil stains and dirt. Therefore, it is very important to choose wallpaper that is easy to clean. You can choose wallpaper with a smooth surface that makes cleaning easier.

3: Wear resistance

The kitchen is a place with high frequency use, and the wallpaper is prone to scratches and friction. Therefore, it is very important to choose wallpaper with good wear resistance. You can choose a wallpaper with a solid texture, which will extend the life of the wallpaper.

4: Style and Color

In addition to functional considerations, the style and color of wallpaper are also important factors in selection. Depending on the overall style of your kitchen and your personal preferences, choose wallpaper to match. You can choose bright colors to add energy to your kitchen, or simple designs to create a refreshing atmosphere.

Precautions for using wallpaper

After choosing a suitable kitchen wallpaper, you need to pay attention to the following usage matters:

1: Clean the wall

Before applying wallpaper, make sure the wall is clean and flat. Cleaning the walls will ensure better results after the wallpaper is applied and extend the life of the wallpaper.

2: Use professional glue

Choosing the right glue is the key to successfully wallpapering. Use professional wallpaper glue to ensure that the wallpaper is firmly adhered and will not wrinkle easily. When purchasing glue, choose the corresponding glue according to the type of wallpaper.

3: Carefully measure and cut

Before applying wallpaper, carefully measure the size of the wall and cut the wallpaper according to the size. Make sure the size of the wallpaper matches the size of the wall to avoid unnecessary waste and problems.

4: Pay attention to exhaust gas

When applying wallpaper, it is very important to pay attention to exhaust gas. Use a scraper to slowly push the wallpaper flat from the center to both sides to remove air bubbles. This ensures the fit and smoothness of the wallpaper.


Choosing the right kitchen wallpaper and using it correctly can add infinite charm to your kitchen. Please follow the above guidelines to choose wallpaper with good water resistance, easy cleaning, and strong wear resistance, and pay attention to the selection and use of wallpaper. Create a comfortable and beautiful kitchen environment and make your kitchen the highlight of your home!

Hope this article is helpful to you! Thanks for reading!

9. Wallpaper Exhibition

Wallpaper Exhibition: A grand event leading the trend of home decoration

As a common home decoration material, wallpaper has gradually become an indispensable part of home decoration. As people have higher and higher requirements for home decoration, wallpaper exhibitions have become an important event in the home furnishing industry.

Wallpaper exhibition usually refers to a gathering of wallpaper brands and products from all over the world at a specific time and place, providing consumers with an excellent platform to learn about and purchase wallpaper. A wide range of brands and products are exhibited, including wallpapers of various materials, styles, and colors, as well as related supporting products, such as wallpaper glue, murals, wall coverings, etc. Through the wallpaper exhibition, exhibitors can not only showcase their brands and products, but also exchange experiences with peers and seek cooperation opportunities.

In recent years, with the rapid development of the home furnishing industry and intensified market competition, the influence and scale of wallpaper exhibitions have also continued to expand. More and more consumers are paying attention to wallpaper exhibitions, hoping to learn about the latest wallpaper designs and trends through the exhibitions, and to purchase wallpaper products that suit them. Therefore, the wallpaper exhibition has become an important event in the home decoration industry.

Exhibition Features

One of the features of the Wallpaper Exhibition is the diversity of exhibiting brands and products. Since wallpaper is a very broad product, involving different materials, styles and colors, exhibitors have a very rich range of brands and products. Consumers can learn about various wallpaper styles, as well as the latest design trends and trends through the exhibition.

In addition, the wallpaper exhibition also provides a good platform for communication and cooperation. Exhibitors can exchange experiences and share insights with their peers through the exhibition, and jointly discuss the development trends and market demands of the wallpaper industry. At the same time, the exhibition also provides companies with an opportunity to showcase their brands and products, laying a solid foundation for their further development.

Visiting Guide

If you want to participate in the wallpaper exhibition, you must first know the time and place of the exhibition. Generally speaking, wallpaper exhibitions are held in spring or autumn every year, usually in large exhibition halls or conference centers. During the exhibition, you can not only see various wallpaper styles with your own eyes, but also communicate and consult with exhibitors.

Secondly, you need to prepare in advance and understand the scale of the exhibition, the list of exhibitors, product types and other information. This can help you plan your itinerary better and avoid wasting time on brands and products that you are not interested in.

In short, the wallpaper exhibition is a grand event leading the trend of home decoration, providing consumers with an excellent platform to understand and purchase wallpaper. If you are interested in home decoration, you might as well attend a wallpaper exhibition. I believe you will definitely gain something.

10. Floor wallpaper

Selection and matching skills of floor wallpaper

As an important part of home decoration, floor wallpaper has a self-evident impact on the overall decoration effect. Choosing the right floor wallpaper can not only improve the comfort of your home, but also add an artistic touch to your home. This article will discuss the selection and matching skills of floor wallpaper to help you better master this key aspect of home decoration.

Types and characteristics of floor wallpapers

There are many types of floor wallpapers, which can be roughly divided into paper, fabric, fiberglass, PVC and other materials. Each material of floor wallpaper has its own unique properties and characteristics, suitable for different decoration styles and environments. When choosing floor wallpaper, you need to choose the appropriate material and style according to your home style and needs.

How to choose a suitable floor wallpaper

Choosing a suitable floor wallpaper requires considering many factors, including home style, decoration budget, personal preferences, etc. After determining your needs, you can choose a suitable floor wallpaper through the following steps:

Understand the performance and characteristics of floor wallpapers of various materials so that you can choose according to your needs. Seek advice and advice from professionals, such as interior designers or home improvement experts. Visit the market to observe the quality and appearance of various floor coverings. Choose according to your household budget and budget range, and avoid blindly pursuing luxury or overly pursuing cheap floor wallpapers.

Matching skills

The matching skills of floor and wallpaper are the key to creating a perfect home decoration. The following are some common matching tips:

Color matching: The color of floor wallpaper should be coordinated with the overall tone of the home, and avoid too abrupt color matching. Material matching: The materials of the floor and walls should echo each other to achieve the consistency of the overall decoration effect. Pattern matching: The pattern of floor wallpaper should match the home style and avoid overly complex patterns. Reasonable use of local bright colors: Using some bright color elements locally can increase the activity of the space and break the monotony.

Environmental protection and health

Environmental protection and health are important factors that cannot be ignored in home decoration. When choosing floor wallpaper, you need to pay attention to the following points:

Choose floor wallpaper with environmentally friendly materials and avoid using floor wallpaper that contains harmful substances. Pay attention to the printing process of floor wallpaper and avoid using wallpaper printed with harmful substances. Choose the right floor wallpaper according to personal preferences and decoration budget, but don't pursue beauty too much and ignore environmental protection and health. Overall, choosing the right floor wallpaper is crucial for home decoration. By understanding the characteristics of floor wallpapers of various materials, choosing suitable floor wallpapers, and mastering matching skills, you can create a beautiful and healthy home environment.

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