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Schnittstellen in Java verstehen – Eine einfache Anleitung

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Understanding Interfaces in Java – A Simple Guide

What is an Interface?

In Java, an interface is like a contract that you set for classes. When a class agrees to an interface, it promises to follow the rules or methods defined by that interface. Think of it like a set of instructions that the class has to obey.

Why Use Interfaces?

Interfaces are super handy when you want different classes to follow the same set of rules but implement them in their own way. Imagine a group of animals: a bird flies, a fish swims, and a dog runs. If you want them all to "move" but in their unique way, you’d use an interface to define that "move" action.

Creating an Interface

Let’s create a simple interface called Movable:

public interface Movable {
    void move();  // Any class that implements Movable must define how to move
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This interface has just one method, move(). Any class that agrees to this interface must have a move() method.

Implementing an Interface

Let’s create some classes that implement the Movable interface:

public class Bird implements Movable {
    public void move() {
        System.out.println("The bird flies.");

public class Fish implements Movable {
    public void move() {
        System.out.println("The fish swims.");
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Here, the Bird class and the Fish class both agree to the Movable interface, but they each have their own way of moving.

Multiple Interfaces

One cool thing about interfaces is that a class can implement more than one. Let’s say we also have an interface Soundable:

public interface Soundable {
    void makeSound();
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A Dog class might implement both Movable and Soundable:

public class Dog implements Movable, Soundable {
    public void move() {
        System.out.println("The dog runs.");

    public void makeSound() {
        System.out.println("The dog barks.");
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This means our Dog can both move and make a sound!

Interface vs. Abstract Class

  • Multiple Inheritance: A class can implement multiple interfaces, but it can only extend one abstract class.
  • Methods: Interfaces can only have abstract methods (in older versions of Java), while abstract classes can have both abstract and regular methods.
  • Variables: Interfaces can have constants (static final variables), but they cannot have instance variables.

Challenge: Try It Yourself!

  1. Create an interface called Playable with a method play().
  2. Make two classes, Guitar and Piano, that implement Playable.
  3. Write code to create objects of these classes and call the play() method.


Interfaces in Java are a powerful way to enforce rules across different classes while allowing each class to implement those rules in its own unique way. They promote flexibility and consistency in your code, making it easier to manage and extend.

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